Women priests what is wrong with Nuns/Sisters?

Women priests what is wrong with Nuns/Sisters?

The terms Nuns or Sisters are casually, usually interchangeable and have varied throughout church history. However, the term Nun is used for women who have taken solemn vows. While the term Sister is used for women who have taken simple vows.

I hear radicals and or liberals say that maybe its time for women priests or deacons. It is simply not possible, now first let me explain why this is not possible in our faith. Tradition is overwhelmingly important in the Catholic church it is part of our faith, without it there is no faith. The tradition is that women cannot be priests or deacons. Canon law states this, so do all of the Popes. The Catechism also states this. Cannon law, the Catechism, magisterial authority, natural law and tradition are all key elements to the faith and must be understood before you start to discuss this issue and once you have informed yourself you will see that women cannot be priests or deacons. Only those who wish to undermine the church take the opposite view. It is either malice or a grave lack of knowledge that leads someone down this path. Jesus chose 12 apostles all men he could have chosen a woman or women, there were women around him who could have been great choices, however, he had another purpose and mission for them. It is not that women back in that time were not involved in religion, that is not true, they were. It was Jesus’s choice, and we must uphold this. It is not just part of natural law and tradition it is a part of the very fibre of our religion. It is Gods will.

Now why do radicals and liberals hate Nuns/Sisters so much why do they look down on their contribution towards the church and towards the laity, which is considerable and has been and will continue to be invaluable and unmeasurable. Firstly, Nuns/Sisters are usually spiritual and morally better than the misguided or sinful people that are suggesting such heretical thoughts. People who push for female priests are just using them to gain, support, fame, money or just because they are unfaithful and want to tear down the one true church. The women in question believe they know better than God, Jesus Christ himself and all the popes of the church. They believe their short-term happiness and pride are the most important thing in the world. They think they are too good to be a Nun/Sister and want the attention of being a priest, even if they can never be a real priest just a selfish close-minded uneducated imposter.

Women’s role in the church is hugely important they make up many saints and beloved figures of the church. They are great organisers in the church. As well as the community around it. Not to mention family life. The blessed Virgin Mary is a central figure in our religion, and we pray daily to her for help and guidance. She is Queen of all men, Queen of the Angels and Queen of the cosmos. The view that some wrongly state and push that women are secondary characters in the Catholic faith is not only historical, factual, but morally wrong and it is deeply offensive and a slur against all Catholics. They are simply attempting to create a divide by preying upon our darker thoughts and sins, the women and men of the catholic church are in unity in faith, tradition, and love.

So, I ask you what is wrong with Nuns/Sisters? In my mind nothing they are heroes of the church. And I wish the uneducated, lukewarm, misguided individuals would think more carefully before they blurt out what they think sounds smart and modern. Which are in fact offensive slurs and religious bigotry.