Where is the modernising?

Where is the modernising?

I hear from the so-called liberals, modernists, radicals and even conservatives saying that we need to modernise. But I have not seen any sight of it so far. I see attempts to cause confusion, doubt, turmoil and even to commit apostasy and heresy. Our faith is set in stone our beliefs cannot change. Still I see no modernising where are our comfortable chairs in church our lazy boys or nice sofas, wouldn’t that help more people come to church as modernist seem to think that numbers are everything. Where are the fancy tablets to read the Bible and Missel on and to follow along with the priest, our vr sermons that’s very modern, our cartoons for children our anime for teens and our live action series for adults on the bible, on the catechism and other church documents and teachings. Our church halls where are our soda machines, with sugar free options of course, our fancy bean to cup coffee machines. What about our catholic video games for the kids? What about our bishops doing face to face as well as video/VR weekly q&a where nothing is outer bounds? That would be good instead of them acting like they are lords hiding in their keeps. Most act as if there are too good to be around their flock.

Even the Vatican website is underdeveloped and the apps available are basic or are not user friendly, though on both of theses counts things are getting better mostly from outside of the church.   

I never hear these suggestions from modernists just let us make massive changes to the catechism and lets just ignore most of the bible and let us ignore the Saints and redo the Magisterial. That is not modernising that’s heresy. Some of the ideas I have joked about are not suitable, but some are good ideas. New websites, apps, cartoons and other productions even video games, even some cushion to the peers aren’t that bad of an idea, the weekly Q&A are a great idea however this sadly will never happen in the modern church I fear. The meaning of this word modernist has been hijacked by the radicals and warm hearted who either have bad intentions or are simple misguided. 

Yes, lets modernise in some of the ways I have suggested, and I am sure there are better ideas out there. But let us make sure this word is not abused and that we fight to regain it. The church in some areas could do with true modernising. Its teachings however are infallible and unchangeable. And Tradition is not just important within the true church it is a fundamental building block of the church. Let us not forget the truly devastating efforts started in the 60s and 70s to modernism, that cause so much damage. Ignoring the attack on Tradition which by default is an attack on the faith itself. The modernising was completely ineffective and offered nothing but some relief to the lukewarm. When asking if something needs to be modernised first ask why and how it will strengthen the faith.