All Saints Day

All Saints Day

All Saints Day is celebrated on the 1st of November. It is a day when the church and the laity pray for the souls of the dead and also pray for those who are in Purgatory. We pray for intercession of the Saints. All Saints' Day also sometimes known as All Hallows' Day is celebrated on the 1st of November.  It came from a Feast of All Holy Martyrs, which was on the 13th of May. Pope Gregory IV, in 837AD extended the festival to remember all the saints. When its name became the Feast of All Saints, and the date was moved to the 1st of November. All Souls Day follows All Saints Day and is on the 2nd of November or the 3rd if the 2nd is a Sunday. It is a day for people to pray for the dead, and for the souls of people who are in Purgatory.