The last few years have been heart-breaking; society seems to be on a downhill trajectory. Day after day there is morale destroying news from all around the world, while our brothers and sisters in Africa, China and the Middle East are being persecuted even to the point of genocide, we in the western world seem intent on committing cultural suicide.

While as individuals we have been trying to make an effort at a local level to hold the line, to do what we can in terms of outreach, works of penance and prayer, we felt the need to reach out to the world to help others to fight the good fight and enter the spiritual battle that we as Catholics constantly engage in against the sin in this world.

Our aim is Truth plain and simple to help spread the Truth, to put and help others to put the Lord at the centre of their lives. After a few disappointing interactions with fellow Catholics, we realised there was a real apathy, that people felt lost.

So we have decided to engage with others. We will start by publishing articles from ourselves, subscribers and others. We will offer resources on a range of key topics. We will be attending some of the bigger events in the future so that we can be at the source of major events occurring in the faith.

Bit by bit with the support of our community and those generous souls ready to help, we will build up a library of articles, documents, news stories, that will be easily accessible, which will allow anyone interested in Christianity have their eyes opened to the truth of faith.

We have identified several key issues and will create articles, to help spread the truth and dispel the myths and straight up lies that are often repeated by the media.

We hope to be a source of information and resources to help others explain, debate and correct those around them who spread lies or simply regurgitate false often second-hand information which has been repeated so many times people cannot tell it is false.

We believe in Family, Tradition, Truth and Freedom but not freedom to indulge our worst excesses but Freedom to do what is right, that will build a better world for our families, will you join us in helping to turn back the tide, please subscribe, contribute or donate all help is welcome but the more you put in the more we can do to win this battle.