Apostates, Heretics and the Rest

Apostates, Heretics and the Rest

Bernadine, Biden, Pelosi and possibly Cardinal Cupich!

I was and am working on an article about advent detailing all the beautiful traditions and devotions this season brings, as well as discussing my favourite feast days during this upcoming season, but alas that will have to wait.

I managed to ignore Biden and the fact that he is a millionaire socialist who claims to be Catholic but does not adhere to church teaching on virtually anything and also ignores the precept of supporting the poor or the church whilst being in a financial position most of us couldn’t even imagine. I managed to ignore Pelosi as her and her mentors, the wicked woman posing as nuns on the bus carry on pushing for more abortion, more Marxism more everything that is abhorrent.

But the straw that broke the camels back today was Cardinal Cupich a product of the Chicago East coast mafioso that masquerades as the hierarchy of the Church in America. His Declaration that we should celebrate Joseph Bernadine was too much.

I didn’t ignore the previous two because I didn’t  care about the evil they do, just in order to keep a balance in one’s spiritual life there is only so much poison you can encounter on a regular basis.

Cardinal Cupich a product of McCarrick’s world, is a leading light in pushing confusion in the American Bishops conference, itself a vile organisation started by evil men, I was thinking of laying the whole history of a certain diocese like Chicago, Spokane and Washington as examples of everything wrong in the church, then I stopped myself. I am not as you can tell a full-time writer/journalist I am just a Catholic, a man who loves Christ, a penitent sinner and I am tired of defending my Faith to other so-called Catholics. I would highly recommend we should start following our Lords advice, “You shall know them by their fruits” Mt 7:16.

If you can see that they encourage heretics like James Martin, if they equate the murder of babies in the womb with being jobless, or having to use actual immigration law or not being handed Medicare for free, then you know they work for the devil, it's that simple.

I actually enjoy apologetics with other faiths, trying to lead atheists or people of other religions to Jesus Christ to give them the good news.  I have no problem even when they don’t want to listen or it gets into a debate, they are in many ways far more innocent than the sycophants who claim to be Catholic, all the while not following on purpose by their deliberate premeditated will, Gods will, that’s my issue, so no Biden isn’t a Catholic, neither is Pelosi or most likely many Cardinals because they deliberately don’t follow the faith. It’s not messing up and falling into sin, it’s not making the best of worst case scenario, these are not poor people, these are not people facing persecution or some horrible home life or even addicts or those with great personal pains that lead them down the wrong path. While I am sure they have pain, problems, etc. they make a conscious decision to dedicate their life to sin and the destruction of souls every day!

Just a hundred years ago almost all of these people would have been excommunicated and some already are auto excommunicated, but that is an issue which would take more time than I have.  I highly recommend looking it up. We use our time and the internet for bad reasons or at least not good reasons, so maybe it is time we all started reading more, studying more.  Bishop Fulton Sheen once said, “we have more time than ever but through some deception we think we are the busiest people to ever have lived”.

Watch, read and listen to the following, if you are not convinced then be on your merry way, in total you are looking at a couple of days of your time, but this may save your soul.

A recent video by Fr Goring the YouTube priest who often gets himself into trouble with his superiors, for well speaking the truth, in this video he discussed how if you are casting confusion then you need to stop! For the sake of everyone’s soul, he details Cardinal Sarah’s comments that Scripture is to be followed, it is the word of God and not to be debated over, they are to be believed if you're a Catholic! Whether its teachings are relevant in today’s times, etc. is just a huge red flag that your dealing with a non-believer regardless of whether they are wearing Clerical Attire or not!

So, I will finish on that, belief my friends is key, Christ’s teachings are the same today as they were 2000 years ago and will be the same in 2000 years, in fact until He comes again.


Viva Cristo Rey!


Further reading/watching

A wolf in Sheep’s clothing by EWTN

Infiltration by Dr Taylor Marshall

Disinformation by General Ion Mihai Pacepa

Expose of Joseph Bernadine