Signing in – Rome October 3rd 2019

The team arrived in Rome today, the city is abuzz as usual, as much as I love this city, the city that the first pope St Peter died in, the city that the great apostle Paul gave his life to evangelise, the city that through Constantine the Great the conversion of the world started. It was with sadness and in trepidation that I arrived today.

There is an unusual amount of clergy present as one could expect from the week prior to a major synod. Speaking to several local insiders even the local population are aware something is afoot.

From tomorrow we will be bringing you updates, news and coverage of the Amazon Synod and the desperate resistance from true Catholics that will determine the church’s immediate future.

Remember that Christ change the world, that the Lord God is all and the holy Ghost walks amongst us pray for the graces that is required to stop the Devil in his tracks, pray that this Synod does not usher in a wave of heresy.

We will be bringing you reports and updates from the Our Church Reformed or Deformed panel tomorrow, as well the protest outside the Vatican on Saturday and a very special conference emphasising the worthy reception of the Eucharist Saturday.

Pray for the Church, God Love you