Day 1 of our time in Rome

Attended the Tabletop discussion brought to us by Voice of the Family and Lifesite. It was a real success with a live audience at near capacity and over 5000 viewers livestreaming.

It was in this observer’s opinion the biggest gathering of Traditional Catholic influencers in recent times.

The discussion was informative, inspiring and very well received by all those in attendance

However, we started the day of in a more pilgrim like fashion, we visited several of the major Basilicas here in Rome. We decided to start with the Basilica Papale Di Santa Maria Maggiore (Mary Major) as Our Lady is so key to the success of all we endeavour. It’s a truly a magnificent Church as you can see blow.

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From here we ventured on to Basilica Di San Giovanni in Laterno (St John Lateran) which of course is the original Papal Church where Popes have celebrated mass for centuries. Truly awe-inspiring inside, with Side chapels that would put to shame most Cathedrals in England. There was a Novus Order mass being celebrated in German which was interesting to witness that only one very brave soul knelt and gave reverence, a lack of reverence is a significant factor as to why we find ourselves in the chaotic mess we are entangled in now.

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We finished the morning off with a trip to Basilica di San Croce (Basilica of the holy cross of Jerusalem) this church has always held a special place in my heart as I visited here at the beginning of reversion to the faith. It inside features many scenes from the life of St Helena (Constantine the greats mother) who brought the True Cross to Rome.

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As we approached the steps leading to the shrine where the true Cross is held along with several other relics including  thorns from the crown of Jesus our Lord as well as Nail from his cross, I witnessed a very moving scene a young nun in full wimple was praying the Stations of the cross as she ascended towards the shrine room, the deference and focus on her face was truly beautiful and knowing that young people out there still make the worldly sacrifice to join themselves to our saviour is a very heart-warming thing indeed.

The conference itself was also a very heart-warming success, to see so many people on fire with faith and love for Christ our king. Words where not minced at all, gloves definitely seem to be off, to be frank its necessary, we are too late in the game to be worrying about minor civilities when truth and reason have been abandoned by so many within the church.

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Michael Voris of Church militant started his opening statement with a call for the Pope to resign due to his total failure as Holy Father.

Dr Taylor Marshall quite rightly pointed out that we are in very similar time to that of St Athanasius a time when the Orthodox are on the outside and the those who preach heresy have all the positions of power and influence. We must remember St Athanasius a truly heroic and holy man who had to hide in the desert while those in power corrupted the faithful flock.

Michael Matt from the Remnant made a call for the intercession of St Boniface something I have been calling for also, as the Saint of the Germans and a great fighter of heresies he and St Athanasius are the perfect intercessor with our Lady to fight Satan as Pope Paul VI himself not blameless said had entered the Vatican long ago.

I think the panellist who summed up what we need most was Jeanne Smits who pointed out we have all we need in female participation and that “ the Amazon synod will be arguing about the role of woman in the church, when the church already has the most beautiful answer to that argument The Virgin Mary” She is our Queen, Queen of the universe and Queen of the Angels”.

This conference was very encouraging for the shear vigour, unity and determination shown by the panellists.

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We have a great opportunity here to unite the faithful under one banner we are called to take up our cross, so lets do so, Pray the rosary, pray the Stations of the cross, fast, do acts of penance, remember it was our Lord Jesus Christ who said, this kind will only be driven out by prayer and fasting.

A full review of the conference will follow. Tomorrow we will cover activities around the Vatican and keep you updated.


God Love you