Day 2 of our time in Rome

I started the day by attending 8am mass in the shrine of Saint Pius V at Saint Mary Major’s very fitting considering that this Monday we will celebrate our Lady of Victory’s feast day, The battle of Lepanto was a great victory for Christendom and saved Europe as well as the faith from destruction at the hands of the Ottomans, the mass was very peaceful, the priest celebrated with an intensity of reverence that truly brought my mind into focus, the surroundings simply elevated the soul allowing for a real moment of purity of thought in prayer.


I had the honour of having breakfast with one of the panellists from the previous days table top discussion which was very enlightening, as well as a lovely couple who detailed there struggles back in there native country with the whole sale destruction of the faith by the secular authorities and media.

Walking around the Vatican there was the usual large contingent of tourists plus a lot of guests from around the world attending the creation of 13 new Princes of the church, I won’t go into details about them suffice to say there are some very interesting characters amongst this group. I pray that the holy ghost enters their hearts and brings them to be truly united with Christ.

What was very pleasing to see was the large group of Italian Catholics who attended a rosary rally, with prayers and prostrations in defiance against the obvious heresy occurring in the Vatican. Hundreds turned out as you can see below.


It was a very well organised event with stewards handing out prayer sheets in Italian. This shows the hierarchy within the city walls that they are not going to be able to deface Mother church without resistance.

Speaking with several of the attendees there was a definite feeling of readiness to give oneself over to prayer and penance for the salvation of souls.


What was strange was the weather turned as soon as the consistory of Cardinals started, a sign of the Lords discontent?


We then attended a conference on the proper reception of the Holy Eucharist, for a Friday night it was very pleasing to see a near full hall of Italian Catholics there for the sole purpose to promote the proper reception of our Lord.

There were talks in Italian, English and Polish, with Cardinal Ranjith, as well as video messages from Cardinal Burke and Monsignor Athanasius Schneider.

After the conference I had further discussions with several attendees from Ireland and the devasting stories of the countries wholesale abandonment of a beautiful catholic culture, that I knew was happening as its obvious by the countries turning to the hard left politically, none the less the nation of St Patrick and St Columbanus, the nation was the most converting with no bloodshed, that’s monasteries produced such great scholars, kept the works of antiquity alive and help reconvert England after the ravages of Roman withdrawal is now infested with snakes.

All in all, the mood in Rome is one of resolute defiance not of the Holy see not of the Church but of the corruption of our Faith, of those who abandon the moral teaching of the Gospel, of the magisterium of the faith.

We as the church militant must stand firm, hold the line, pray, protest if necessary, carry our cross and sing the Salve Regina!

The level of activity here in Rome is inspiring, we must not let the momentum stop, we must tell our Bishops that they must listen to concerns of the people living the Catholic faith.

Pope Francis talks of accompaniment, of mercy of compassion but he ignore the Dubia cardinals, left it so long 2 have sadly past but are at least in Heaven now, he instead decided to meet a man who ruins souls with confusion in the form of Fr James Martin SJ.

He ridicules Faithful Catholics, mocks young priests even makes judgments on people by the way they dress or attend mass, it’s a shame.

We traditional Catholics love the Holy Father, I do, I pray for him every day on my Rosary as do many of contemporaries, we must continue to do so.

St Boniface pray for us, St Patrick Pray us, St Columbanus pray for us, Our Lady of the Rosary Pray for us., Lord have Mercy on us.


God Love you

From the eternal City