The new pharisees and their law

Brothers and sisters, we have come to a strange path in a time with no religion where anyone of faith whether they be protestant, Jewish but especially Catholic, is derided and ridiculed. 

A very strange thing has occurred, I say strange, but to those of us who have read history and taken the time to watch the events in the post sexual revolution era, a very predictable thing has happened.  A new law has risen, almost an ape or inversion of the mosaic law has arisen. It comes resplendent with its own temple, high priests and even its own dietary requirements. Somehow in a completely secular and godless world the pharisees have returned and unfortunately for all concerned it is the worst generation of all Pharisees the mirror images of the vipers that our Lord Jesus Christ challenged, outwitted and dealt with during his blessed time on this earth.  Now some of you have already figured out who I am talking about, for those of you who haven’t, it is of course the environmentalists. So in this short treatise, I shall do my modest best to unpack this little Pharisaic religion that has arisen.  The new temple is of course environmentalism, mother earth or climate alarmism. Whatever it named it’s the same thing.  Veganism is of course the new kosher and the high priests are the various environmentalist leaders who are not to be outdone by the regular priests who we have amongst us. They even have their own version of the Sadducees in the form of extinction rebellion.  It is a most disturbing thing to see, but it emanates through every part of our society now, mother earth is worshipped as a deity and the coming apocalypse is climate change, there is so much pseudo-science that it is almost mythology. The stringent rules in regard to environmentalism have become the new law and the pharisees are very intolerant.  Everything on tv whether it be entertainment, comedy, sports, cooking, everything is about this. I was watching a cooking programme on Saturday morning and during the questions to one of the chefs during a phone in, a young child called to ask how to do we reduce plastic use in cooking. So here we have our first generation of completely ideologically indoctrinated followers. 

Watching the children at a congressional hearing spout lunacy, making insane statements that have clearly been imprinted on their young minds, sounded Orwellian, it would have been funny if it wasn’t so scary, I could almost hear the chants of 1984 ‘war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength’.

When engaging with people on this issue they seem to glaze over and just start shouting random phrases almost like there is no one home anymore. The Science says, it’s getting hotter, Apocalypse, when you challenge them they become irate and don’t even quote the science they claim to know about, if I WAS having a theological/philosophical argument I might quote the bible, the catechism, some prominent theologian, maybe even history and dare I say Science, they just scream the same point like a cultist that needs his leader to come and save them from this awkward interaction with reality. (Please see our latest church hall chat for this, a disturbing interview with the UK Green party co leader and a Julia Hartley-Brewer.)

Every programme I seem to watch on tv, when I get a chance to watch tv, something always loops back to the coming climate extinction. Veganism is everywhere, this small group of people have so much sway that it appears on every dietary requirement on every menu anywhere that there is food served that must be made for this new class of religious follower, They are extremely intolerant and they will see you stoned if you step out of line. Whilst at work for example I could not reach the bins, so I tossed a plastic case into the nearest bin and an indigent young twenty-year-old woman looked at me eyes wide with genuine rage and indication proclaiming the recycling bin is on the other side.  It would be funny if this lunacy wasn’t being driven by the upper echelons of society.

Some will say Environmentalism, veganism, eco extremism, communism are all different. Well I’m sorry but ten minutes of research will show you that there is now significant overlap, the modern virus of identity politics is the latest sickening creation of secularism. We witness these days several storm fronts combining and what will be created is a storm for the faithful that will be destructive and test many of us.

Governments, United Nations, even the Vatican have bought into this idea of ecological destruction, climate change and anyone that disagrees, or evens raises questions is shown a level of hostility that would put anyone else back in line who is thinking of asking questions. Dissenters to the creed of this new cult are shouted down as heretics. The cult’s elite priestly caste (so ubiquitous at the reins of all our institutions) enforces a new Magisterium of so-called Experts, which it reverently calls “Science”. No matter how many times hysterical climate predictions turn out wrong, now matter how often ‘green’ advocacy descends into hypocritical virtue-signalling by the elites and aspiring elites, this pseudo-Magisterium is still proclaimed infallible and irreformable. It isn’t to be questioned if you want to remain a ‘decent’ person in our society. Or, increasingly, in todays ‘relevant’ and ‘updated’ Catholic Church. The Goddess of Green Globalism is a jealous god and she will not have non before her.

These my friends, these are the times when paganism has re-emerged our and society is clearly being driven towards an animist pagan society and the one organisation that should be holding out, that should be the dam against all this, is the catholic church. Instead the Marxists that have infiltrated the church and who now control much of its upper command structure have fully embraced this earth worship which would be so distasteful to our Lord God and who in his first commandment states, (Ex 20 )‘I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange Gods before me”. Yet many at the Vatican and especially those amongst the Jesuits and the liberation theologists are hell bent on recreating golden calves and worshipping at the feet of trees.  This will not end well brothers and sisters, there is a chastisement coming as we know the great profit Moses held back the lords anger as did our great father Abraham and of course our saviour Jesus Christ but the Lord values justice as well as mercy and the current pontiff and sycophants around him seem to have forgotten this or simply don’t believe enough to have the fear that they should have before God.

 I am not against environmentalism in its purest sense we should tend the garden well. I am not against the moderation of meat eating, I abstain from meat on a regular basis due to fasting, but honestly look around and tell me that the environmentalists, the vegans, the earth worshippers are not engaged in pagan idolatry and in cult like behaviour.  Be wary of this and be on guard because we are only one step away from having a society that will return to full pagan worship. Most dreadful of all the Church is at risk of falling into this snare, a snare which is blindingly obvious to boot. We are on the cusp of the Amazon Synod in Rome, looking at the working document we are in big trouble, the recent comments by the Pope on his impromptu airplane presser is that he doesn’t fear schism. Well as better men than me have said “I DO” we live in an age of social breakdown, an exodus of faith and a rise in paganism to say nothing of actual Satanism.

When looking at the obvious pantheism of the Synod I can hear in my ears ringing (John 14:6) “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. No, you cannot go to God through tree spirits, through pagan spiritualism and the only mother you should concern yourself with is not mother earth but the Mother of God our Lady Queen of Heaven.

When is enough, enough how obviously heretical how obvious do Priests and bishops need to be in their outright heresy, their disbelief before the laity, say no more? We must reject the Pharisees as our Lord Jesus Christ did! Obsession is never a good thing, the people who join these Environmental cults are not Christian, yet many senior Prelates, laity and Catholics ally themselves with them.


Pray the rosary, pray the sacred heart, pray the stations.


God Love you