Response to Fr Andre

A recent video appeared on the YouTube Channel of the once great Franciscan friars of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This organisation was forcibly subverted for attachment to the traditional Latin Mass, orthodox theology and practices.

The story of the brother is long and sad, so I simply recommend you check out One Peter Fives channel here for the full sad tale by Steve Skojec:

Suffice to say the Snakes are amongst the brothers now, this Fr Andre and I pray for his soul, is clearly delusional, simple or a straight servant of the evil one.

Sounds harsh but in order to misconstrue scripture to this level, takes the intervention of the dark one for sure.

He first of all misinterprets basic scripture by placing the traditionalist along with the Pharisees, which is bizarre, as the liberals are in charge, they have the Papacy, control of the Vatican and all its arms, the NGOS, World Government, Media, Society at large. Which would make the traditionalists the persecuted minority not the liberal masters.

He quotes the Lord “the Pharisees used hypocrisy cloaked in legality”, well every time I see an argument online or foreword by some Cardinal spouting heresy, the heretics defending their heresy, hiding behind canon law and their misinterpretation of papal infallibility, when scripture and tradition are used to show how incorrect they are, again legality is used by them, they try to trump the bible, the holy inspired Word of God with canon law! Which comes below scripture and tradition by a country mile.

He quotes “they changed the truth of God into a lie under the disguise of the law”, well what is changing the word of God and the church’s teaching which are eternal into the worlds law” teachings which are of the now, dust and ashes, all the while saying that we need to change Gods words to fit the world's sensibilities, to abide by UN laws, by EU laws, by global human rights legislation?

He used the verse “you are filled with extortion and wickedness” he was talking to Pharisees, I would argue yes, that would be the liberals in charge in the church, corrupt living in palaces like McCarrick and co. The traditionalist lives on the edge of the church, only allowed our masses if we are quiet. Allowed to exist by the Bishops because we tithe so much more than our Novus Order brothers and sisters we give not take (as the recent pew polls show!)

He goes on to say from Mathew their virtues are all show, so as the poll above shows the traditionalists, believe more in God, in the Lamb in the Eucharist, they attend mass more regularly, they have larger families because they don’t use contraception and they let the will of god be done.  So, who is the hypocrite here?

He mentioned robbing the widow, well that would be the Bishops of America, how often they go after the older generation for the latest fundraising project.

He says the Pharisees are the nit pickers, I must admit I laughed, nit pickers! Consider all the issues we have now, the massive sexual abuse, the exodus of the flock, the empty seminary (traditional ones are full) the massive debt, constant attacks upon the teachings of the church, yes to this lost priest that’s nit picking!

He says the YouTube narrators are dividing the church, well they represent many Catholics they represent faithful Catholics who just want to love God, worship and make their best attempt at getting to heaven.

Fr Andre says instead of Marianising the narrators who camouflage themselves in orthodoxy are dividing people further! Well scripture tells us we will be divided, one will enter heaven the other will burn in hell.  I have never met or known of a traditional catholic who doesn’t pray the rosary. I know barely any that don’t wear the brown scapular, which is actually consecrated to our lady, the level of Marian love in the traditionalist side of the church if anything is a beacon. Fr Andre mentioned following the apparitions. Well maybe he should check out Fr Isaac Mary Relyea at the Fatima centre ask if him if he loves Mary. I do, I love our Lady more than I can describe and every person I know within the church does too, I think 90% have been on pilgrimage to at least one of the major sites, Fatima, Lourdes etc.

He says Our lady is the answer, damn right she is, it was my prayers to her that helped to convert my family, it was Her intercession that led them to Christs Church!

The rest of the video is fairly okay, but it’s funny how he has sandwiched a lie between scripture and the truth about Mary our Lady.

To me this is such a classic example of the snakes within the church using truth and inverting it to make lies and we all know who loves to do that.

The facts, the evidence is against you and your lies Fr Andre, I will pray for you, that the truth will set you free, the truth, the way the light is Christ he is King and yes our Lady Mother,  Queen of Heaven will help you home if you come to her with a sincere heart.

What a state wherein a Franciscan brother is so lost.

St John Henry Newman pray for us, St Boniface Pray for us, Mother of God help us.

God Love you