Arians Ghost Still haunting the Church

Well, I just left Rome and I can’t catch my breath, fortunately for the faithful there are a host of quality media outlets and journalists in Rome, covering what seems to be a bigger and bigger threat to the sanctity of the church.

However, we are getting live updates of the various goings on, it seems plain to me, having spent several days in amongst the ruckus, as Michael Matt of the Remnant pointed out very succinctly the Vatican press representatives can’t seem to figure that they have been rumbled and no one is buying what they are selling, at least within the Catholic Media, active members of the laity (with a few sad exceptions).

Every little drop of heresy seems to be picked up by someone, it gladdens my heart to think that the guys from Lifesite, CM, the Remnant and the rest are all around the Vatican picking up every whiff of heresy that is rising to the surface.

I really do feel like we have front row seats to the height of the Arian Crisis in the 4th century, unfortunately for the Arians we now have social media, so every ridiculous thing that comes from there mouths is caught in the open and laid bare to the falsity, the filthy lie that it is.

While they can say that the ceremony that took place in the garden was some indigenous version of worship for our Lord and Our lady, anyone with half a brain cell can see it for the blatant idolatry that it is.

Before we might have heard about the canoe and pagan articles strewn around a church within Vatican City itself, many regular Catholics would have said, ignore the trad alarmists, well now they can see it and anyone with a semblance of love and fear for the Lord our God can see that the 1st commandment is being broken. The heart if its not been corrupted to the very core can feel it through natural law, let alone supernatural faith that it’s wrong.

Now days before this issue with journalist Eugenio Scalfari came out, members of the panel from the Voice of the family where saying this crisis is very similar to the Arian Crisis, that like St Athanasius we need to fight this.

I’ve been harking on about the parables for months now and here we are.

Of course, the Vatican has now issued a denial, but frankly it doesn’t matter, Holy Father if you don’t want to sow confusion STOP giving interviews to the enemies of God. Stop giving interviews to a man who hates the church, hates civilisation, hates your flock, stop meeting up with Communists, he’s allegedly misquoted the Pope before, Scalfari is legendary for not taking proper notes and writing for a Hard Left newspaper so why during all the current confusion that exists already, is the Holy Father still engaging with this man.

My thought is only that this is classic cover tactics to allow insidious ideas into the Catholic flocks consensus as it makes a denial or partial denial of a undeniable truth late much easier, I am saying on record expect more, I can see a denial of our Ladies Virginity not just her just her perpetual virginity but her virginity when she bore Jesus Christ and I think this is coming soon. They will use this to wedge in the idea that virginity is worthless and that will help them in there sick twisted minds push the idea of married priests and female priests further.

When this happens and they will double down on the denial of Christ’s divinity, which ever comes first, that must be, the laity must go to their Bishops and demand action, if you Deny Christ or his Mother you are working for the devil pure and simple.

I highly recommend a series called the History of Christendom by Warren H. Carroll the first book in the series called the Founding of Christendom will give you fresh insights into what is happening right now in the church.

Pray for us St Athanasius, pray for us St Boniface, Christ have mercy on us.


God love you