A response to Fr Terrance SSPX Dangerous house?

I feel obliged to respond in full form to Fr Terrance’s sermon entitled SSPX Dangerous House of Prayer, I would rather not do so but since the F.F.I have been taken over by modernist elements within the church a tiny proportion of the members wanted a commissioner, but the opportunity was seized upon to take down what had been an order that was growing and becoming very popular, it was this success that caught the attention of the churches enemies. If you wish to know more, please simply google F.F.I commission or look at our previous article responding to Fr Andre.

I am not a congregant of the SSPX neither do I intend to be, however they are for the most part good and faithful Catholics, they are also the main reason we still have a recognisable church, I believe they were used as a divine instrument of God to stop the worst excess of the post Vatican 2 era. Without the SSPX we wouldn’t have the FSSP or any of the other groups within the church that say the Latin mass and it was their presence that kept Satan’s advances at bay within the church. Archbishop Lefebvre suffered greatly I will say also he didn’t want to do what he felt he had to, but looking at the faith and the state of the church he took the action he felt necessary to protect the church, he used a line of Canon law to create Bishops which was contested by the Vatican, but I think anyone with half a brain or any sense of effective insight can see, it was the right thing to do at the time, he has since gone to meet our Lord and God who is his judge as he is all of us. I think before I go any further that I should say I can see the negatives within the SSPX they have developed a siege mentality but with all due respect they have been fighting for long time and until recently the only bastion of Traditional Catholicism in the church.

People wrongly characterise the pontificates of JP2 and Benedict 16 especially Benedict 16 as an era when traditionalism had a say, this is completely false, they were both Conservative moderates at best, more so Benedict but none the less neither where anything but sympathetic to traditionalism. To the matter at hand there is some seriously flawed logic being used here, I don’t know whether Fr Terrence really believes what he saying or not, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say I do, I will ignore the fact that there is an SSPX house not far from where he is and that the F.F.I are probably haemorrhaging members to them as the Pacha idol scandal gets worse and assume it a genuine theological issue he has with the SSPX. Regardless of this F.F.I were at one point a growing group which has now lost its way. The implication that the SSPX is demonic is quite funny and very demonic in itself, because it mixes lies with truth which as we know is the devil’s weapon. Of course, division is a tool of Satan so why do a homily on an order which has nothing to do with you, why impart motives onto a group which is given almost full facilities by the Vatican. Well he and Fr Roderick who responds in their comments section say it is to bring reconciliation. That’s farcical. You cannot at once claim that the mass is illicit and possibly demonic and allow that the Vatican lets its flock go and receive communion, confession, marriage etc., total nonsense. In what world would a sane Pope give facilities to an organisation that commits mortal sin daily? This sounds like a strawman of the highest order. HE claims that it’s a mortal sin that the priest is committing each time he performs the mass. Well, that sounds a little Donatist don’t you think, my gosh St Augustine would give you a telling off for that position Fr. I as almost all Traditional Catholics recognise the Novus Ordo as fully valid and fully licit, unworthy it most certainly is, the mass developed in the US is actually the product or at least has had the touch by actual Satanists in the form of Cardinal Bernardin. Yet, we are not donatists an unworthy priest does not make his communion invalid so Fr even if your accusations were legitimate which they are not what to tell? Bishop Schneider in his excellent new book Christus Vincit speaks of his visitor as an official Vatican observer witnessing nothing of the nature you speculate on and SSPX has not been plagued by financial corruption and Child sex allegations like the mainline church has either. I think at the beginning of the comments section we witness some clericalism, right there he says comments are welcome, but this won’t become a platform for SSPX apologists, what a ridiculous statement, so he is saying, I accept peoples opinion only if they align with mine. The comments section is a festival of the ignorance, people who have read just enough to be dangerous without have any breadth of knowledge on the church, it’s quite fascinating to see so many modernists flock to this organisation as they now know it has been taken over further vindicating those of who say that the FFI have been infiltrated by modernists. In another fascinating interchange on the comments section Fr Roderick was asked how is fair criticism of the Pope divisionalist. The response is the Holy father is on earth to be unify all Christians, so to criticise him is to criticise the church. What a disingenuous thing to say, it shows one again a very clericalist, even Pope centrist view of the church. How many times does it need to be said that the Pope and the Bishops are servants here to serve; Christ himself said I have come to serve not be served. How many times through history has it been, just, to question the hierarchy and even the Pope, this is the Church of Christ our Lord and King this is the church founded by St. Peter St Paul would start his epistle, Paul Servant of Christ, not Paul servant of Peter, Bishops and priests need to remember this. I will say that there are still many good Brothers within the order and that some of their sermons are excellent, just as I am sure there even a few good Jesuits left, however there has been an uptake in attacks on the traditional Catholics from this order, that said, it’s to be expected as our Holy Father does this regularly. It is okay, we knew this would happen our lord warned us of this that we would be persecuted for his sake, just look to where the world loves look, to where the hundred plus alleged sex offenders are and where the message is the same as the enemies of God in the UN, EU and NGOS pushing abortion etc. How many great saints had to go against the grain St Athanasius was hunted, avoided assassination, many of his followers died protecting the faith and they were against the entire authority of a heretical controlee church in the Arian Crisis of the 4th century. This was re-enacted during the era of the Avignon papacy during the era of the renaissance yet we are not to ask questions! This is a very new attitude I think you will find that crept in during the mid-18th century.