Imperialism and the myth of the noble savage.

A strange pattern has occurred since the lead up to and the finish of the Amazonian Synod in Rome this year. Accusations of racism, imperialism and even white supremacy by liberal catholic media and even Clergy including Bishops of the church. This truly is an indicator of the person throwing these bizarre, groundless and quite laughable insults about, it’s an indicator that they themselves are either completely ignorant of the church’s teaching, history and tradition or they are themselves racist or just completely dishonest. 

To start with it shows a lack of knowledge of the teachings of the church, the main Cardinal for the amazon region Cardinal Krautler claims to have never baptised anyone and will never baptise anyone, which is a direct disobedience of Jesus Christ himself who said "Therefore, go and forth teach ALL nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Mt 28:19). It denies the wishes of Our Lady in America who appeared to Juan Diego as our Lady of Guadalupe beginning the conversion of Mexico and the Americas! It also denies the history of the many great Missionary saints who set forth to convert the world including many of whom were martyred for their pains, including, I might add Apostles like St. Thomas the Apostle who was slain in India. It denies our missionary tradition, of great men like St. Boniface and St. Patrick who converted completely heathen lands with Love and directness! 

I believe this ignorance comes from a neo liberal sense of real imperialism, they do not think the Amazon is capable of being Catholic, that they need to be pandered to because they are below the task, despite the fact that we are called to baptise and spread the gospel by Jesus’ great commission to all peoples. They are also showing their own ignorance of the Amazon itself, 85% of people in the region live in urban areas, they are not living in trees and running around with blowdarts, as the liberals in the church would paint them. The whole thing stinks of moral relativism it stinks of neo Marxism, the idea that the Amazonian people should be left to walk on the path to hell because they couldn’t possibly lose their cultural traditions becomes all the more amusing when these same people claim that traditionalists in the church are stuck in the past.

All of this has had to disturbing side effect in that Pentecostal churches have taken over 80% of the amazon as they have no qualms about converting people! This fact in itself clearly shows that it’s not a resistance to Christ but an abandoning of Christ by the heavily liberation theology influenced Catholic in name only missionaries of the region. I will say to them that they don’t know the faith, the faith of Christ can conquer all, it can change all, because God is all. When the first Catholic missionaries arrived in Frankia, Germany, England, Ireland and Scandanavia the Latin Roman Rite would have seemed far more foreign to them than the modern Roman Rite does to the people of the amazon, what they would have seen in their eyes is mystical, oriental, strange practices of the mass, the incense, the Latin prayers the singing, the chant would have been so foreign to them so exotic, but they did convert, they embraced it because it was beautiful, because it was from God because it was Truth. Now those same peoples, the German Bishops who have in the main part abandoned the faith in reality say the Amazonians are too primitive to be saved, it’s disgusting, all people of the world can be saved we don’t water down the faith we give it them it full of its richness, we tell them the truth of Jesus Christ and they will embrace it and rejoice. The accusation this is European faith that we are trying to force upon non Europeans is laughable! It shows they know nothing of the faith or Europe, the faith shaped Europe Christianity made European culture the church moulded Europe to the point where those ignorant of both can’t tell them apart and so attack European culture not knowing that they are attacking Catholicism. The German bishops conference is showing its totally repugnant Racist and supremacist face, they are wise they enlightened and all of us who just want to practice real Catholicism are ignorant. It harks back to the example of a major synod when they started to lecture the African bishops who hold fast to the Catholic faith about being stuck in the past and quite rightly the African Bishops said to them, mind your own house is emptying than on being burgled and on fire! 

In short keep your "noble savage" myths to yourself, we love our Amazon brothers and sisters we will see them baptised see them confirmed and united to us as equals in the loving embrace of Mother Church where they can be saved brought to Jesus Christ finding everlasting salvation.

God Love you