The Capitulation to the Pentecostals / Back Door Apologetic

I have spent many years defending the faith from protestants of many ilk’s, I have done so with Love and compassion, with gentleness in some cases and forthrightness in others, but after the Amazonian synod I know so much of my work has been undone, in fact forget my meagre efforts this synod and blatant idol worship has undone the work of countless missionaries, priests, monks and apologists of the Catholic Church. As Bishop Emeritus Muller pointed out, all of this will lead to scandal and to further embolden the enemies of the church, especially in South America where the many protestant sects, not least among them Pentecostalism, a most vile heresy, that shows blasphemy to the Holy Spirit. The countless conversations I’ve had explaining honouring Mary is not worship, that art, icons and statues aren’t idol worship that the catholic church does not permit idolatry recounting the heroic deeds of St. Boniface & St. Willibrord telling them of the positions the church takes against the act of idolatry, explaining Holy images, recounting the old testament seems to have been smashed by the idols of the inner circle of the Vatican. 

Our enemies will use this as an axe to attack us, they convert people who will abandon the faith and so souls will be lost. How hard it is to defend the church when the Pope endorses idolatry. I want to defend the Pope, the Church all Bishops if I can, but not against Gods Truth. We are losing people to atheism and protestant sects because we not being Catholic if we simply acted Catholic, preached the gospel, spread the faith full of vigour, not diluted even one ounce of the catechism, we would be gaining converts, not losing them. Yet the modernists insist if we water it down some more people will come, what people would come, because those people are not followers of Christ! Because at this point the faith has been watered down in the mainline church so much, I don’t even recognise the Catholic faith in the new faith that is forming. Please read Bishop Emeritus Muller’s statement or check out Return to Tradition, who does an excellent job of reviewing his statements, also please see the book review which further proves that Vatican 2 hasn’t worked won’t work and can’t work. I recognise the council of course I will say before enemies of tradition i.e. traitors to Christ will say, I am not blind, I recognise that the bull in the china shop is inside but am I supposed to agree its destruction is a good thing, can I say that the bull is not a good addition to the shops profitability, to the decor of the shop! There comes a point when being subtle doesn’t work on this issue of idolatry, there cannot be debate it’s the first commandment. There are still people saying there was no idol worship, at the same time the video is everywhere even at the amazon synod a press spokesman said here was no idol worship at the same time as the video was playing in the background, they said it, no Pachamama moments later Pope Francis apologised for the disrespect at the Pachamama statue being thrown in the Tiber. The watered down liberal worldly faith being pushed by the German Bishops and in general in the main part of the church is not working, it is not the faith our fathers and definitely not the faith of the apostles given to them by Christ, Ignatius of Antioch. wouldn’t recognise this flabby soft faith. Neither is the revolutionary Marxism dressed up as Catholicism that is liberation theology it is not Catholicism IT isn’t even a form of Christianity, but a form of Marxism dressed up with Christian trappings, it’s as close to true Catholicism as Santa Mortua is it’s also just as satanic in reality. Wake up brothers and sisters this is evil those who deny the truth are not of God by their fruits we shall know them.