The Tower Babel once again are we to be scattered?

The Tower Babel once again are we to be scattered?

News has broken over the last few days that a sort of ecumenical prayer service will be occurring shortly in Ur Iraq, about 200 Km outside of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. I would like to say people understand how serious this is, but I am likely to be disappointed.

I was in Rome at the Amazonian synod of Oct 2019 when the images of the Pakma (spelt wrong you should never name a demon) were shown to me, it was such a disturbing sight, because I had already looked into the demonic roots of this creature. Then of course we had The Human Fraternity Agreement in Abu Dhabi, another theological error that was condemned by Bishop Athanasius Schneider Auxiliary Bishop of Astana Kazakhstan who detailed the many dangers present in this document. A link to Lifesite’s coverage of this is at the bottom of the article.

Now we arrive at this sad state of affairs, after the events of the past 17 months we are still not learning, the fact that the source of our woes burst onto the world at the same time as the incident in the Vatican Garden has not be seen by many as having a supernatural nature, the fact most likely is that this is a punishment from God for the idolatry. Now the Pope our spiritual father, the direct descendant of St Peter given the keys to heaven by Christ himself will take part in some sort of sordid prayer service at ground zero of another chastisement.

Here at the Tower of Babel man presumed to attempt to raise himself to God by his own ingenuity, his own power and his will, not God’s will. I might add that all sorts of demonic worship was going on at this place, for a more in depth look at this I recommend the visions of Blessed Anne Emmerich, an approved mystic of the Church whose visions helped form the movie Passion of the Christ.

In Response to this, God having seen what was happening at the Tower, God responded in Genesis 11 verse 8 through 10 “And so the Lord divided them from that place into all the lands and they ceased to build the city. And for this reason its name was Babel, because in that place the language of the whole earth became confused. And from then on, the Lord scattered them across the face of every region.”

So, God was displeased by this, so why now do we see an ecumenical prayer meeting happening at this spot of demonic worship? I do not know. What I do know is that this is likely displeasing to God.

Now we as Catholics, are not permitted to pray with others who are not Catholic, do not misinterpret me here, we may pray for, but not with non Catholics, for one, it may cause scandal and quite what can be more scandalous than prayer at the site of the Tower of Babel I do not know. You would not attend a black mass? You would not attend a prayer service with Temple of Satan priests or even pray at Satanic prayer spot, so why on earth would the Pope.

So what is the point of this article, well, if Pope Francis cleanses the Tower performs an exorcism at the place of such defiance against God, if he prays and begs for forgiveness for the people of the Church, asking mercy for all our wickedness and calls those with him to repent and convert even if it might offend, perhaps invoking St Francis who once called an Egyptian Sultan to convert in his own court, well then I will pray, cry for joy and give thanks to God.

However, in the likely event this does not happen and validity is given to redemption through any means other than Christ Crucified, as we know it is not possible, see the Gospel of John (14:6) then an act of sacrilege has taken place, then we may expect and be worthy of more chastisement.

I am calling for all Catholics of good will to join me in prayer, praying the rosary and Stations of the Cross in reparations for the sins of man. Let us show God we love him, that we recognise no other Gods as per the First Commandment.

Now there is no specific date being offered at the moment, keep an eye on this website for more info but currently the visit will take place between March 5 and 8.

So I suggest the following:

March 5 Pray the Rosary followed by the litany of St Michael for protection

March 6 Pray the Rosary followed by the litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus

March 7 Pray the Rosary followed by the litany of Sacred Heart of Jesus

March 8 Pray the Stations of the Cross to signify Christ is the way and we are ready to carry our Cross!

It is up to every man to do his bit and this I would suggest is a good first step.

May God keep and protect you.

Viva Christo Rey