Can a Catholic Be a Socialist? The Answer Is No, Book review

Can a Catholic Be a Socialist? The Answer Is No - Here's Why, Book review

Can a Catholic Be a Socialist is a book written by Trent Horn and Catherine Ruth Pakaluk. Trent Horn is a well-known and respected apologist, speaker, and author, best known for his work with Catholic Answers. Ruth Pakaluk Ph. D is assistant professor at The Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America and has written many highly cited articles in journals.

The paperback was published in early 2020 and has 210 pages and is currently priced around £11.50. The digital version was released in 2020 and is 136 pages long and is currently priced around £8. There is also an audio version which was also released in 2020 and is around four hours plus long, priced at around £12 and is narrated by Trent Horn himself.

The book has good reviews.

This book is a must read, it is a well-researched and sourced book, logically and morally well written and explained. The book in no uncertain terms explains and proves that a Catholic cannot be a democratic socialist, socialist, communist, Marxist, national socialist or any of the variations of this uncatholic ideology.

The book lists the proof of why you cannot be a socialist or support socialism in anyway. It not only talks about the history of socialism, but why you cannot accept it and still be a Catholic. The reasons for it are not just true but logical and morally correct. It also breaks down what socialism is and what it is not. For example, having benefits for the poor and sick is not socialism, any system can and does have these features in them.

It goes into great detail to prove this point. It also talks about capitalism and how though it is compatible with Catholicism, it too has errors and things such as crony capitalism and corporatism are bad. Capitalism is more than compatible, but it is just a system or a tool and is not a moral system.

The book explains how there is no Catholic economic system, but it does have principles and virtues that guide Catholics on how to live and interact with economic systems.

The book is a must read as things like socialism and liberation theology are truly a great evil that lurks around and even within the church, it misguides and lies to people and manipulates them into sinning and following this uncatholic, illogical and immoral ideology.    


