The myth of Pope Pius XII and the myth of Pope Francis’ Transparent church

The myth of Pope Pius XII and the myth of Pope Francis’ Transparent church

This year Pope Francis allowed several years of Vatican Achieves to be released, dating from 1939 to 1958, quite strange why only those years.

Why is this relevant, well it coincides with this year’s very belated McCarrick report and represents the Vatican’s attempt to throw yet another good Pope in the form of Venerable Pius XII under the bus. The fact that this pope was know for his opposition to Nazism (before disinformation started), communism, socialism, relativism, atheism, and modernism. Is the reason why the modern (post WW2) establishment of the church and the Mainstream Media and radical academics are so hostile to this great Pope. They need so badly to believe that he is guilty, so that they can discredit all of his ideas and principles, the media/elites hate Catholicism or religion at least and are more than happy to push this narrative and many more are happy to blindly follow it.     

The McCarrick report attempted to shift the blame for the scandal from Pope Francis solely to St John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and not the entire establishment of the church (especially the liberal part). With Pope Francis had the chance to put McCarrick on trial but instead he had him retire in comfort by simply defrocking him. A public trial would have been more transparent; however, he could have named a lot of names mainly from the current leadership in complicity (the so called modernists).    

Not content with this, the release of these documents and the subsequent documentaries and article’s produced by papers and media outlets completely hostile to the church has been another sad chapter in the attempt to rewrite history. All the overwhelming facts are readily available to disprove these accusations. The facts are that the Pope warned the allies of the 1940 invasion of France, not to mention countless more times the church passed on important information. The allies told the Vatican not to endanger their source of information as it was important to the war effort. The church helped many of the resistance movements of Europe, they saved a huge number of Jews as well as others, they also saved allied servicemen, many of which Pope Pius was personally involved with. His personal residence was turned into a nursey for the countless Jewish babies that were born there. He spoke against everything that Nazism stood for, many times before and during his Papacy. Which is why Hitler and the leadership of Nazi Germany hated him. The main accusation that some ask while trying to smear him and the Church is that he and the church could have done more. If you read the history then this accusation is very childish, uneducated, and an armchair way of looking at history, was he to order against the allies’ advice for his priests to go out and attack the Nazis with their candlesticks. Or call Hitler a servant of Satan in public. In both cases the Pope and the church would have been destroyed, all the intelligence gone along with all assistance to the resistance movements, allies, Jews, and others, gone. Hundreds of thousands dead at least and the war prolonged, but I think we can agree not a smart action if you want to save lives and not just indulge in your own emotions.        

Venerable Pope Pius XII was a good Pope and a holy man that saved the lives of tens of thousands of Jews himself, (low figure) with his money, orders, and support, that is an historical fact, it cannot be denied or disproved. This Pope was considered a hero of the Jewish people for decades until the Soviet Union began its infamous disinformation campaign. Albert Einstein, Golda Meir, and Jewish leaders who were actual holocaust survivors, just to mention a few. The two sources of nearly, (99%) of all the lies and misinformation are from two suspect authors Rolf Hochhuth and Michael Phayer. The latter seemed to have a passion for destroying Pope Pius XII.  No matter where you are reading it, the story will inevitably link back to something originally written by these two authors.

This narrative that is pushed by the left wing media that Pope Francis is all about transparency is a disgrace, all I can think of is you can often tell who someone is by their friends, Communists, Paedophiles, Sexual predators, fraudsters, and hard-line atheists.

You will know them by there fruit, a bad tree cannot produce good fruit and good tree cannot produce bad fruit, we know this.

Since we are talking transparency how about opening the Vatican Banks books? Maybe having a look at the secret China deal that condemns thousands to death, right now, how about even giving a glimpse into how certain current Vatican staff still have a job. Pope Francis himself says he wants to cause confusion and his favourite weapon is silence. Why does a father not answer his children’s questions and their fears? Why are his advisors pushing him down such a dangerous and dark path?