A Catechism of Christian Doctrine Penny Catechism book review

A Catechism of Christian Doctrine Penny Catechism book review

The book was published/authored by the Catholic Truth Society with the digital version being released in 2017, 95 pages long, it is priced around £2 to £7 (often on sale) and the paperback being released in 1978 is around 88 pages, however newer printed copies are 95 pages long. It is priced at £3.50.

This book is a superb reference book and is perfect for reminding yourself of certain facts and information that may be needed. It is a pocket-sized book and is very useful for either traveling or for keeping on yourself. It is nice to keep close as it contains a few of the important parts of the full Catechism. It is nicely laid out and it is easy to find what you need to quickly.

It is also a very good introduction into the full catechism. It is perfect for lapsed Catholics or for new converts or even people who may just want to learn a little more about Catholicism. It is short yet stacked full of information and it is broken down into nice easy bite sized parts, so that it does not overload the reader. It is simple, and although it would answer a lot of questions, that someone might want to know about the faith, it will also make them more curious about the faith most likely leading them towards the full catechism.

I think this book makes a really good addition to your library of books and it makes a perfect gift.


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