The day the Templars fell

Today I decided to commemorate the poor fellow-soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon or as most people refer to them the Knights Templar.

It is on this date they were rounded up by the forces of King Philip IV know as “the fair” in act of betrayal against Christendom that can only be compared to that of taking the silver, Judas Iscariot took from the chief priests.

King Philip in debt and known to be a man lacking in Christian virtue decided to take advantage of a weak pope in the form of Pope Clement V who at least had the goodness in him to see that the documentation that the accusation against the Temple were false. This document known as the Chinon Parchment dated 17-20 August 1308 wasn’t discovered until 2001 although there was a similar document that been around since the 1600s.

I fear with what’s going on in the church right now we must remember the fate that befall men that gave up everything picked up there cross and walked behind Jesus, they lived as monks, protected pilgrims, fed the poor and lived a level of prayer and monasticism that would make modern people shudder with ore!

We are being called to take up our cross and to live as close to God as we can, we will be accused by those enemies of the Lord with so many slanders such as being backward and old fashioned, rigid, pharisaic it’s all ash, the Lord warned in Mathew 10:22 and you will be hated by all for my sake. On a side note isn’t it strange the world a place we know is fallen loves the modernists in the church and hates the traditionalist that should immediately tell you something that you are on the right path!

The lord is both greatly merciful and fearsome, remember that often when offended he will take his vengeance on his enemies as the death of the heretic Arius. We can also listen to the last words of the last Grandmaster of the Temple while burning on the pyre falsely accused, but going to join the Lord in heaven that King Philip his descendants and Pope Clement V would not live to see the end of the year and Phillips bloodline would no longer rule France this came true. God I believe punished these men for the wickedness for taking away a sword that was a tool of Gods will, so fear not and do Gods work, pray the rosary, pray the stations of the cross, spread the Gospel and resist the enemies of the church peacefully as Christ would have. Have faith as the Templars of France did, they did not fight the inquisition or the king but surrendered and resisted in their prayers, allowing Gods vengeance to wreak havoc on those traitors to Christendom.

Pray for the souls of those brave men that died for no other crime, than loving God.