St Boniface: Please come and strike at this heathen tree!

As the Amazon synod in Rome fast approaches, more and more horrendous facts appear about what has been now clearly shown to be an heretical synod.

Its not lost on many of us that at the very centre of this catastrophe in the making we find the German Bishops Conference, Germany in the post conciliar era has become a hot bed for modernism and heresy of every kind.

This week Lifesite & Church Militant  reported the links with liberation theology the conference writers have, several well-known German bishops have not been shy about what is coming, Cardinal Reinhard Marx (yes I know when names are too fitting) and Cardinal Kasper letting us know quite clearly that this Synod could change everything. I must be honest the sheer scope of the malfeasance involved in this cataclysmic event is making even writing this article daunting.

So, lets dive right into the meat of the matter, first I will deal with the Liberation theologians, if you don’t know what that is, put simply it is Marxism masquerading in a sordid sacrilegious way as Christianity! It has been roundly condemned by the Vatican under John Paul II. It is what is responsible for leading tens of thousands of priests, nuns and laity into full schism, it led to the deaths of thousands, it is at the root of the troubles in Guatemala and throughout Latin America. One of its chief architects is an ex priest called Leonardo Boff a man who left the priesthood married a Marxist activist and who describes man as “a true Satan of the earth”.  We need to “recover the aspect of truth in paganism” in his book cry of the earth cry of the poor, along with various other clearly Pagan statements, I would highly recommend researching this man to get an idea of the horror that lies in wait. I recommend visiting Lifesite who have done an excellent expose on him. This man is someone who is on good terms with Pope Francis, who the Pope openly admits he reads his books and has even said “Pope Francis is a Liberation Theologian” in a statement by Boff, he is cited as the theologian of reference for the synods Instrumentum Laboris.

Now to the root of the problem if you will excuse the pun, elements within the German Bishops Conference have been desperate in recent years to destroy the church, they have pushed for communion for the divorced, female Deacons and even female Priests amongst many other German senior prelates pushing for every modernist idea out there.

It is at this time we need to pray and call for the intersession of St Boniface, Saint of the Germans a man who no doubt would put the current German Bishops back into line with a righteous anger they have never witnessed. Maybe it is some sick trick of the Devil that paganism would re-emerge in Germany a place where 1200 years before the tree of Thor had been cut down by St Boniface.

The amazon Synod is Pantheism, it is Paganism I say it bluntly worshiping the earth as a mother, worshiping the spirits of the amazon is devilry there’s no other way of looking at it. Noah was called to subdue the earth, we were called to plough and be the gardener, yes, but never to worship anything other than GOD ALMIGHTY, it’s the first Commandment repeated as such by our Lord Jesus Christ, we are only here to be worthy companions for God, he desires us to be happy, that is why he filled the Garden.

Do not succumb to the fruit of the tree of knowledge again, this time the tree is labelled environmentalism and tolerance of other cultures, it truly is neither it is the world repackaged and we know who rules the world currently.

I recount St Boniface and his dealings with the German tribes, they always inspire me. When he grew frustrated with the local tribes unwillingness to abandon their false Gods he was inspired by God to march to the Donar Oak or Thors Tree as it is sometimes referred to. He chopped at it and suddenly a great wind pushed it over, the local people had expected St Boniface to die by their pagan Gods hands. Instead they were converted to Christianity and St Boniface built a church out of the wood of the tree, dedicating it to Saint Peter.

Let’s do as St Boniface did and march forth in the eyes of God, axe in hand and chop down this tree before it becomes more than a sapling and this time let us cut the root out, so this evil may never grow again. We are called to defend the church.

There have been some prelates that have stood up for the faith namely Gerhead Brandmuller, Cardinal Muller, Cardinal Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider. I would encourage you to read their statements, the battle lines are being drawn, we are soon I fear at the point where people will have to say we are of God or we do not love him and we will instead embrace the world which of course is damnation.

Brothers, Sisters pray, contact your local Bishop by letter, by email or in person with politeness, respect but firmness, tell him what the Amazon synod is and what it wants to do, who it belongs to, the things that happen there could be the beginning of a full schism.

Be not afraid, St Boniface died slain by the Frisians (German Tribe) a people who he had attempted to convert many times, he died for God so be not afraid for all you do is in the eyes of God.