Martin Luther the murderer of millions

Martin Luther the murderer of millions

Martin Luther was born in 1483 in the Holy Roman Empire and died in 1546. From a relatively wealthy family, he was given every opportunity, especially educationally. Enjoying the privilege that his status afforded. He moved from one educational establishment to another, probably being exposed to all forms of radical ideas, that the universities and other privileged establishments usually do.

In 1507 he became a priest and quickly gained many qualifications due to his social status. Then in 1517 he wrote and distributed, ninety-five Theses, which is considered by many to be the start of the reformation.

His sinful and evil actions are too many to count, he became drunk with power and fame. Full of pride and hate he would attack Jesus’ church with great vigour and caused the deaths of tens of millions and debatably more.

It is very obvious that he hated the Faith and was probably holding radical and sinful views since his time in education. Like many upper class individuals that are not in power they plot to overthrow the establishment, pretending that it is for the people when really it is about their own sinful ambitions.

He first attacked Jesus’ church and its Pope. Then came his radical ideas which put the power into him and his friend’s hands. His ideas were grossly sinful and hurtful to humanity. They helped spawn Relativism, Marxism, Nazism as well as a host of terrible ideologies and theories. Looking through history, many of the most destructive people and ideas stem from Luther.

Luther tried to build a church with him at its head, he failed of course and became bitter, his hate increased for the people who he had pretended to be trying to help. He happily caused the slaughter of 100,000 people in the empire, who no longer followed him, all they did was follow his teachings, every man is a pope, all men are Gods equal.

Luther’s hands are covered in blood and all for his own ego, pride, and lust for power, all now which are no comfort to him now. Or for the unknown millions that have died because of his betrayal of the Faith. The wars, the persecutions of the Catholics, the twisted ideologies that his sin birthed into the world to attack the Faith again and again. Even centuries after his death, he continues to drag souls to hell in the hundreds of millions, his legacy is one that is full of hate and blood and sin, nothing good came from this wretch of a man.

He desecrated the Bible by putting his own words in there and changing which books belonged in it. He spread anti-Semitic writings, he pretended to be a prophet, his teachings caused so much confusion, so much doubt, so much sin it tore a hole in the souls of so many of his victims. True only the sinful and the weak would fall for such a hoax, but what about future generations, brainwashed into these death cults for their souls. It spawned John Knox and John Calvin two massively evil heretics.    

People somehow, still follow his heretical teachings, they still mistakenly think this man is somehow good, they have been misinformed, tricked, and lied to, even in the true church some think this man is somehow good or of interest. He is only good as a warning and example of sin, if a man or groups start to speak, write, or act in such a manner, then they must be corrected in their errors. If they will not see reason and continue to sin and attack the souls of the world with malice and attack God, then they must be stopped.