Democracy is dead, no, you just suck at it.

Democracy is dead, no, you just suck at it. 

Some people are starting to say democracy has failed, that it does not work, that it has never worked, and it needs to be scrapped. The same could be said for any other political system. So if this is just blowing off steam, fine, but be careful what you wish for. Democracy has created the unprecedented conditions for wealth, freedom and advancements in all areas of life. Yes, it has allowed negatives to continue, I say continue as many of the negatives existed before democracy came to prominence, of course by modern democracy I mean that of the post industrial revolution era.

The timeline in the context we are talking about is not that important, as really it is the issue that it apparently has had a lack of ability to stop Marxism, or better described as leftist Marxism from spreading. However, I believe that this is simply an attempt to sneak in right-wing Marxism.

There is an issue with calling something left or right wing Marxism, it is all Marxism. I only make the distinction to try to simplify the point I am making.

Marxism is the political form of sin incarnate.

As a group, Catholics are really bad at politics. There are exceptions for individuals, groups, times, countries etc. But in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as well as the United States of America they are mostly just bad at it.

The type of person who actually believes that democracy has failed us or that it never worked is probably just either repeating what they have heard, frustrated or a Marxist. Not everyone will know that they are sounding like or supporting Marxism.  Real Catholic monarchists are a completely different group of people not to be put into the same group. The United States is not a monarchy and will never likely be one. So the idea is either frustration, parroting, academic talk, or attempts to form a Marxist government. Most likely of a racial type like national socialism which is a brand of Marxism. Do not get me wrong this is not just confined to the US or the other countries I have named, it also is possible for this style of Marxism, to be anywhere in the world. I do believe that the US is currently the most susceptible to this.        

Let’s get a few things out of the way, democracies fail, they do allow bad things to happen or continue, like sinful action and laws etc, they are not perfect. Yes, Heaven is a monarchy, God prefers no certain type of political system here on earth, many Saints, Popes, etc prefer monarchy, the church and most countries are under attack by leftist Marxism, most companies and institutions are pushing some form of Marxism, the Catholic church is having a bad time of it to put it mildly, so are most places. All of our political parties for the most part are bad, our institutions too have been corrupted or are under some form of control from a Marxist element. Our cultures have been terribly affected and are under constant attack from Marxism. And there is probably more that could be said. No system is impervious to these challenges, but more Marxism will not help, no matter what version or who is running it.

Marxism is sin, fact, identity politics is Marxism, any form of it is sin. Comparing a type of Marxism to Catholic monarchism is a disgusting Marxist trick, Marxism has always used half-truths to cover its lies.  Using facts to cover its made up lies, always using strawman arguments or claiming to want to help whilst using it as a smokescreen for something more sinister. Pretending to only want to ban or limit or enable something for a small portion of the population or in rare cases while really trying to enforce it on all, or to allow for even more changes in the future.

Lately I have seen bits of Marxism creeping into the laity, at first it was a contempt of democracy now it is full hatred of it and racial politics is also beginning to appear, of course this is mainly from younger individuals, completely blinded by their own sin, they have been deep diving into the internet, and think they have found some secret truth, while they have just been tricked into Marxism. For the weakened Marxism is very comforting, it tells you what you want to hear, you are a victim, your failures are not your own, the system is to blame, you do not have a chance, you are special or you are unique because of your born attributes, like race and gender let’s say. Your enemies deserve no quarter, they are not really your equal, you cannot work within the system so you must smash it. The tactics continue, the past was terrible with the exception of the parts they may change to suit their purposes.  Cover your tracks and try not to say what your end goals are. People are brainwashed and so will not understand it is for their own good and greater glory. Except from when advancing your own goals, no compromise is allowed, as this may weaken your future plans.  Make sure to spread disinformation, to confuse and cause anger. Put deadlines on everything so that there is a sense of urgency. If questioned deny and bring up sympathetic causes, past or current injustices, insult and attack anything that allows people or society to be free or freer and attack institutions and the system of government. Make sure to attack anyone outside of the groupthink or people who step out of it. There is more but hopefully this will suffice.                 

The western world is in flames, so some panic and many who do, fall into the Marxist trap.

I said America was at risk of letting some Catholics fall into this mindset, so is the Republican Party, sadly it is already well underway, still small but growing as the leftist Marxist’s continue, their assaults. Some Catholics are becoming hopeless and so turn to the easy option, Marxism. Probably based on racial lines, as they believe in the myth that a white America will solve all issues, ignoring the fact that it is still overwhelming white, that whites own nearly all wealth and have most of the political power. If they were truly Catholic, they would understand that this type of thought is not allowed, it is a sin. Also whites in the past have had 100% of everything described. So obviously a white system does not stop Marxism, also check out Europe’s history too.

Marxism and sin is the problem not the demographics of America or any other country for that matter. (borders are important) Of course that is not the only issue at hand there are others, creating a myth that suits their narrative by abusing IQ research, genetics, forgetting about history or lying about it. Saying for example that when American slavery ended, that means no black American can be affected by slavery after that point.  A strange attitude as our Lord and King Jesus Christ was killed 2000 years ago, many saints too in the past, is no one affected by them now?

Culture, religion, upbringing, community, family, choices and other things, these matter, race does not. That is the Catholic attitude and the western one too. Race is the weapon of Marxism, not their only weapon of course but one of their most powerful as is hopelessness.

Some will quibble about small details and try to shake these arguments, do not, your soul is at stake, there is hope, God is great. The work ahead of us will be difficult and slow, but we must fight for every soul and every country, when we suffer for God, it is a gift to him, we will have losses and setbacks, but it does not matter. As long as we keep our faith to God through his Church, no matter what Marxism does to us or our countries, our families or ourselves or even our Church. We must not let him down, he loves us all, forgiveness is for all, please abandon your sin, not God and his Church.