The Year of St Joseph and St Becket?

The Year of St Joseph and St Becket?

This year praise be to God, is the year of St Joseph, a truer and more perfect example of obedience to God we will not find, apart from the Blessed Virgin Mary of course.

I will consecrate myself to St Joseph this year and renew my consecration to Our Blessed Mother, this got me thinking, which other saints I should look to?

Then on the 29th of December the President of the United States released a proclamation which could not be more fitting.

Please see below for a link directly to the document on the white house website:

Proclamation on 850th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket | The White House

St Becket a true example of a wicked sinner turning his life around once a true responsibility was bestowed upon him, resisting the secular world in defence of the church, could not be more fitting with most of our Leaders, Cardinals, Bishops, and priests bowing down to Cesar in an act of what amounts to blasphemy if not downright abandonment of Christ their true King.

This example in the 850th year since his martyrdom for the faith is something we should look to and emulate, we need when the time comes to take responsibility and do what God would want, not what we want. I am as guilty as the next man that is why looking to the saints is so important to remind us of our duties.

St Joseph reminds us of our duty of total obedience, humility, and chastity something that enlightens us to live a life of holiness, this is the key.  St Becket reminds us that one day when the world comes knocking, we might have to say we are not in for the world, only for God.  Did our Lord not warn us of this in the Gospel of Mathew? Do we want to find ourselves in that same scenario that plays out as in most terrifying of verses to knock at the door of Our Lord and for Him to say “I do not know you” it sends shivers down my spine, better we sacrifice ourselves here in this world I would say!

I find it very strange that a secular Protestant in the form of President Trump should have to remind us of St Beckets legacy, I have no doubt some souls will see this and find a spark which might lead them home to the one true Church of Jesus Christ, the Catholic church, I have no doubt it will bring a new kind of inspiration to zeal for some others, I would have hoped our Holy Father Pope Francis would have, alas we must trust in the will of God.

Let us look to the saints in the year of our Lord 2021, let us emulate St Joseph, St Becket, St John the Baptist, and the many other beacons of light that lead us onto the straight path of salvation.