The Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the Nazis book review.

The Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the Nazis book review.

The Myth of Hitlers Pope was written by Rabbi David G. Dalin, the hardcover was published in 2005 with 209 pages and currently costs around £25. The digital version was released in 2012 with 209 pages, and currently costs around £16.50. The audio book version was released in 2014 and is around five and a half hours long, it is priced around £16.50. The audio book is narrated by Michael Floyd, the title of the audiobook is a little different, The Myth of Hitler's Pope: Pope Pius XII and His Secret War against Nazi Germany Audiobook – Unabridged.

The book and audiobook were and still are well received. The book is considered to be a stellar example of a superbly researched book.

This book is absolutely fantastic. Truly well researched and sourced, its evidence is rock solid. It is a fantastically well written book with huge amounts of evidence and information in it.

It absolutely crushes the false and misleading allegations against Pope Pius XII.

It details the long history of the defence of the Jewish peoples by the Catholic Church. It then talks about the previous Pope’s fight against the Nazis and how a young Pius XII fought against the Nazis and then how during his reign he truly became a hero of the Jews and an enemy of the National Socialism (Nazis).

It destroys all false smears against the Pope and judges him fairly and honestly, it truly is a great book, and a must read for all.