The Joining of the Clans

The Joining of the clans – why Michael Matt from the Remnant is right.

A few days ago, Matt from The Remnant realised a truly brilliant and very needed call to arms. “mission impossible unite the SSPX & FSSP clans”

This is something I have been echoing in my small corner of the world over and over again, I would go even further to be frank! I am again someone that doesn’t even attend either of these fine groups. I have attended both FSSP services in Europe mainly and the SSPX in the UK, I personally attend a diocese Latin Mass organised by the Latin Mass Society. But even amongst my community I hear people voicing fairly strong opinions about both the FSSP & SSPX and to be quite blunt it HAS TO STOP NOW!

We are in effect in the middle of total spiritual warfare and the enemy has gained ground we never even imagined in our wildest nightmare it would! If you are a traditionalist you must as a duty required of you by scripture and the Holy Ghost show some charity to your brothers and sisters in other likeminded groups.

This is the time, the 100 years is up! The vision Leo XIII witnessed and Fatima were just over 100 years ago and now the enemy has lost some ground, I can see and feel it, the revival amongst traditionalism is palpable and this is the time to unite, to pick the spiritual weapons we have, organise and fight back, before we know it, with the will of GOD, we will be climbing the walls and retaking the kingdom, but it will not happen quickly and souls will be lost if we don’t unite! It weighs upon us, that we must not lose a single soul unnecessarily and pointless in fighting KILLS SOULS!

So let’s unite Brothers, Sisters where ever you can reach out privately then publicly to others in different groups and I would say even to those in the moderate or neo catholic world, the prayer left us by our Lady of Fatima says, O my Jesus forgive us ours sins save us from the fires of hell and lead ALL souls to Heaven” I’m listening to our lady I will not leave any soul behind that I could in my small way help save, I will listen to the Lord as best I can and reach out even to those Catholics who might seem entangled with the modernists and if I pull one out of the fire in my lifetime, with assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary and by the grace of God it will be worth it.

Pray for us our LADY OF FATIMA, most precious blood of Jesus cover us and repel the snares and attacks of the devil.

 Pax Christi