The Fall of Grenada and the completion of The Reconquista

The Fall of Grenada and the completion of The Reconquista

On this day 2nd of January 1492, the city of Grenada fell to the forces of Queen Isabella and King Fernando.

The centuries long struggle for the Spain came to an end, after centuries of Moorish rule Spain was back in the hands of the Spanish.

It all started with the victories of Alfonso III known as Alfonso the great,

Alfonso III of Asturias could never have dreamt that it would take six hundred years to accomplish but it was, centuries of bloodshed on both sides came to end, which we must thank God for, without Catholic Spain the world would be a much darker place.

I think each of us sinners must in many ways accept this fate too, that to conquer ourselves to expel sin will not to be a short campaign but a long drawn out war not a battle, we may lose skirmishes, battles even whole campaigns but we must carry on until the day of Victory.

One day the keys of the kingdom given to St Peter by our Lord and King Christ might one day open the gates to that heavenly city of God, as the keys where handed to King Fernando today centuries ago in Granada. Let us never lose the lessens we can learn from our Catholic patronage that we are warriors in Christ, let us remember that every day is a spiritual battle with the evil one.

We have many great Generals at our disposal not least St Michael the Archangel and we fight for a heavenly Queen the Blessed Virgin Mary and the greatest King of all time, Jesus Christ King of Kings with a kingdom with no end.

Let us pray for fervour that we might conquer ourselves, conquer sin with the assistance and Grace of God.



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