The Atlantic tries to destroy the Rosary

The Atlantic tries to destroy the Rosary

The Atlantic magazine has a long history of anti-Christian/Catholic disinformation and general hate. Their latest assault is on the most Holy Rosary of the Virgin Mary and on the one true faith to God. It does try to pretend to coat this evil and bigoted attack in a sense of pretending its talking about online extreme behaviour.

Why include the Rosary so prominently in this article, it is just an attempt to smear the Rosary. Just because some people have made memes of it, it does not make it newsworthy. Nearly everything has been made into a meme in the political sense and in the culture war as well. It tries to say that online some bad people are using the Rosary, which will always happen, some people will do sinful things, this is a fact of life. But it also tries to twist this by covertly saying that any use of it as a prolife/pro Christ message is a bad idea. This is a far left and anti-Christ publication after all, it fears the spread of Christian ideals and people telling the truth about the anti-salvation forces in the modern world. It gives the most limp cover in its attack by at least saying that the Rosary is a major spiritual tool.

Here is the hit piece below.

The Rosary is a spiritual weapon, it is a vital tool, all Catholics need it. We have always used the Rosary when we have been under attack spiritually and physically. This article wants to destroy it, it wants to shame and scare Catholics into abandoning the Rosary. Similar to how the media shamed the English St George flag and Union Jack, or how being patriotic is now looked down upon, outside of non-government allowed celebrations, like 4th July and Queens Jubilee etc. Though even this is now starting to be looked down on. Or how openly talking about God in public is seen as a bad, weird, or a pushy thing to do. This attack is made to slowly demonise the Rosary and make more Catholics stop using it in public and then completely after that. Which will weaken the church and the faithful significantly. They want to scare faithful Catholics who are not already lukewarm and or lost, into being even more socially conscious about their faith. To make them second guess themselves when using the Rosary and to maybe hide it in public. How long before they have to hide their crosses or the fact they go to church or believe in God. Its not exactly a warm reception we get now or even 10 to 15 years ago.

The enemies of salvation will never rest they will pick away bit by bit at us and our One True Faith. Make sure to stand up and strike down this attack, when individuals fall for this article, make sure you explain what the Rosary is, why it’s important and why the only reason to even bring criticism close to it, is to be a bigot, to be intolerant and to hate God.