Our Lady of Good Success (Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso) the approved Marian Apparition that has been ignored or deliberately neglected?

Our Lady of Good Success (Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso) the approved Marian Apparition that has been ignored or deliberately neglected?

There are many approved and unapproved Marian apparitions, as we know as Catholics, we are not beholden to believe any private revelation, that said there are a few like Fatima that almost all Catholics believe, and if you do not some questions might need to be asked of your interior position.

Obviously along with Fatima, Lourdes, and Guadalupe there is also Medjugorje which seems to have a huge following despite it being unapproved and a little controversial, before anyone says anything the Medjugorje apparitions are not approved either by the local Bishop or the Vatican, of course the apparitions could be supernatural in nature but this simple has not been ruled on at this stage.  Garabandal for example with which I have some sympathy is also unapproved, so Catholics cannot enjoy with certainty either of the two fore-mentioned apparitions.

There also are some apparitions that are approved and for some reasons despite this, along with being compelling do not enjoy the same amount or recognition, examples of these would be Our Lady of Akita and Our Lady of La Salette but chief amongst these under recognised apparition is Our Lady of Good Success or Nuestra Señora Del Buen Suceso de la Purificación in its native Spanish.  I normally would not add the original language, but the English translation does not quite do justice or explain the meaning of the title. Our Lady of Good Success in this instance really means Our Lady of the Good Event of the Purification, which also alludes to the purification as in Our Lady presenting Jesus Christ in the temple after 40 days and so being pure, this has deeper undertones as the apparitions talked about the need and the eventual time in which the church would be purified.

The apparition appeared to a nun named Mariana de Jesus Torres in Quito, In Ecuador with the first one happening on 2nd February 1594 and returning multiple times until 2nd February 1634 making it one of the oldest major apparitions, during this time it was immediately accepted and approved by the local bishop and his successors all the way into present day. In fact, the Basilica is even now a Marian shrine which requires 100 years of continuous devotion.

Apart from Fatima and even in comparison never has an apparition been so accurate, the apparition predicts Widespread moral corruption, Profanation of the Sacrament of Matrimony, Depraved priests who will scandalize the faithful and cause suffering for good priests, Unbridled lust which will ensnare many souls, Loss of innocence among children and loss of modesty among women.

Lack of priestly and religious vocations with startling accuracy the mass apostasy by the laity and more so the clergy, it points to 1960s as time when the clergy on mass will start to leave the righteous road of salvation, it says during the mid-19th to 20th centuries people will become unimaginably sinful, that moral standards will collapse the family will be attacked and the church will fall from grace for a period, Our Lady related to Mariana de Jesus Torres that a pope would be held hostage by an emperor in the 1800s which Pope Pius IX was by Napoleon III, this all from the perspective of a nun in the 16th century Ecuador?

Some say this apparition stayed in the shadows because had the hierarchy been more aware of it, they might have tried to limit its legitimacy but hundreds of years on and holding continued support from local Bishops and approval by the Vatican as a Marian Shrine and Mariana now being a Servant of God with her process towards Sainthood underway, it is almost impossible for them to delegitimise it now.

Rather than expand too much into the details of this wonderful and truly revealing apparition, I will include links to 2 videos and one free eBook.

Tradition in Action Media video, Our Lady of Good Success: Her Prophecies and the Crisis in the Chur


TFP provide a fantastic free eBook which is written by Msgr. Luis E. Cadena y Almeida the priest charged with postulating the canonisation case by the Bishop of Quito:


Tradition in Action Media do a 3 part presentation that is very enlightening, detailed and captivating:


Return to Tradition provides several shorter videos on the subject and is a reliable source of information:


