On human Life; Humanae Vitae by Pope Paul VI book review

On human Life; Humanae Vitae by Pope Paul VI book review

This book contains Pope Paul VI papal encyclical On Human Life (Humanae Vitae) as well as contributions from Mary Eberstadt, Jennifer Fulwiler, James Hitchcock.

The encyclical was issued in 1968, this book was published in 2014, in the digital format it is 111 pages long and around £8 with the paperback being 112 pages and around £8 as well.

When the papal encyclical was issued in 1968 it was in the midst of the second Vatican council. Many expected it to be an encyclical that gave in to the radicals and disavowed Tradition and Magisterial rulings and Jesus’ teachings and would allow birth control as well as pre martial sex, to name a few. The radicals thought as Pope Paul VI was partial to liberal ideas, they assumed that he would betray the Church and God. Everyone thought that the Church would sell itself out, but the encyclical did the opposite it stayed true to the truth and to God. Causing a massive backlash, in and outside of the Church.  On Human Life was panned and ridiculed for being out of touch with modern (sinful) ideas. Later in time, mainly after the turn of the century the encyclical, became more widely known and more respected as the predictions in it became overwhelmingly true. So much so that even atheists, leftists, and social scientists would agree with its conclusions.

The book was released in 2014 and was well received with the contributors being respected as well as it being well written, researched and thought out.

This book is nicely laid out, well written and well sourced. It takes around one to two hours to read depending on your reading speed. It is very much worth buying and reading as the encyclical on its own, though good, having other contributors really helps to set the scene.  When it came out as well as the effects of it on the church and society as a whole, it also explains why the encyclical was so important then and now, giving facts to why the predictions it had, has been proven true.

The book is a must, buy and read it, as it will help you understand the issue it presents much better. I wish there were more books written in this style. Quick, well sourced, well written and easy to understand yet full of facts and information.  

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