Of Gods and Men film review

Of Gods and Men film review

Of Gods and Men is a 2010 French drama film directed by Xavier Beauvois, starring Lambert Wilson, Michael Lonsdale and Olivier Rabourdin. The film was shot in Meknes, Morocco at an abandoned Benedictine monastery. With a 4 million Euro budget the film made over 42 million dollars at the box office. The film won many awards and nominations and was very well received by critics and viewers alike.

The film takes inspiration from a real life event which happened in 1996 during the Algerian Civil War. Drawing from a book about it, which was published in 2002, by John W. Kiser, called, The Monks of Tibhirine: Faith, Love, and Terror in Algeria.

This film is 2 hours and 2 minutes long and has a very slow tempo and though I would not say it is boring, it is slow. However, it does not waste this time it builds the story and the characters and events in it well. The film is well made and very thoughtful in what it is trying to show and communicate to the viewer. This film shows the challenge of deciding one’s fate and how one should deal with it.

I did enjoy this film, but I am not sure it will appeal to all as it is a slow and quiet film, while being sad and meaningful. I think the few and quick but graphic displays of violence will shock some, it does add to the story. I think give this film a chance but make sure you understand it has a slow pace.