My first Synod meeting.

My first Synod meeting.

I went in trying to be hopeful, that I would be listened to. But I was wrong, my questions were ignored as well as other people’s questions.

There were around 110 people in this zoom call, one priest and two women who worked for the church led the meeting. From what I could see it was made up of mostly older people. We were all on mute and could only type in our questions which they picked and chose from, they chose not to answer all the questions though they could have done so, so much for listening to everyone. The average member of the laity did not appear to understand what they called churchy words, or they did not like them. The bulk of their concerns were we should listen to other faiths and to non-Catholics about how to be Catholics. The same tactics that have been used for decades were brought up again, ideas that the church already use were mentioned as innovative ideas. The only constructive ideas or concerns came from people who were isolated in rural communities or small towns that were looking for more support.

Nothing useful was spoken of or shared with us.

Words, themes and phrases like, excluded, marginalized, the poor, global community, global issues, the world is all one family, nothing is off the table, shift in culture in the church, we talk in the context of today’s culture, other faiths to be heard and learned from, no solutions, no decisions on issues, just live together, time for reflection, etc etc.

These terms were not used in any way that could be considered faithful or honest. The meeting was about hearing and pushing what they wanted to hear, they have already made their decision. Facts and history let alone scripture, traditions, catechism and canon law are to be ignored. It is all about feeling and being a part of the secular world.

I would write more but my heart cries and my Soul screams in pain.