Mass Of The Ages Episode 2, A Perfect Storm Review

Mass Of The Ages Episode 2, A Perfect Storm Review


Mass Of The Ages Episode 2, A Perfect Storm is the sequel to Mass Of The Ages Episode 1, Discover the Latin Mass. It is available on YouTube on the channel Mass of the Ages: The Latin Mass TRILOGY. There are plans for three episodes, while the original made to be a film it was later decided to split it into three parts.

Is it directed and produced by Cameron O’Hearn, director of photography was Thomas Shannon, co producers Jacob Tate and Jonathan Weiss, executive Producer Doug, editors Cameron O’Hearn and Mike Hogan and original score by Mark Nowakowski.

First aired publicly on the 26th of May 2022, with a runtime of 1:13:50, the episode was well received by fans and others.

Taking a slightly different tone from the first episode, this one is less emotionally and more focused on facts and history.        

The episode really gives a good outline and a in depth look at the history of what happened at the Vatican two council and the aftermath of it.

At no point does this film preach or lecture it simply gives the viewer a story to watch and information to receive. It is well shot, with good music and it looks like a lot of time was spent making sure the quality of the production was high. The pace is also good, with the right balance of story and information shown. I would also say that no knowledge really is needed going into it, which is a good thing, as it can appeal to a wider market. However if you have been paying even a little attention to church politics and history recently, then this will appeal even more to you.

I would highly recommend this to all, and I am eagerly waiting for the third episode to drop.


Link below.