Magisterial Authority FR Chad Ripperger, PHD book review

Magisterial Authority FR Chad Ripperger, PHD book review

Magisterial Authority was released in 2014. The Paperback version is 62 pages long and priced around £6 and the digital version is 63 pages long and is priced just under £6. The book was and still is very well received by all. Written by FR Chad Ripperger who is a well-known and respected priest, exorcist and writer.

This book is very interesting and well thought out, as well as being well sourced and written. It is easy to understand and really helps to make clear what Magisterial Authority actually is and how it works and why it is needed. He breaks down the role of everyone from inside the Church and how they should try to act with each other, from laity to priest and so on. It will also help you to understand the roles and rules within the church, with more clarity and help to give you more information to use against protestant critics and anti-Pope/Catholic individuals who try to argue against the need for a Pope.

It really breaks down a very complex and vast subject into an easy to understand and short read, it really will help you to understand many of the situations that are currently happening and those that have happened in the past and almost certainly situations that will arise in the future.

This book is really a must read please try to buy and read this book.

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