Love Unleashes Life: Abortion and the Art of Communicating Truth book review

Love Unleashes Life: Abortion and the Art of Communicating Truth book review

Love Unleashed Life was written by Stephanie Gray Connors who is an accomplished and talented public speaker, debater, and human rights activist. She is one of the most gifted members of the prolife community. I would highly recommend watching her videos on her website or reading her blog.

The book was published in 2016, the paperback version being 136 pages long, I have had trouble getting new copies in the UK, but it seems to be around £20 or ($20). The digital version was released in 2018 and has 123 pages and is priced at around £7.

The book was very well received when released and still is well thought of to this day.

The Book is incredibly well written and laid out. Its well sourced and has great resources in it.

The book lays out an overwhelming dominating fact based argument as to why abortion is wrong. It states each of the commonly held reasons why abortion is ok and destroys them with facts and logic, it plans out how to disarm the arguments and then convert the individuals holding them. Or at least on how to plan a seed of doubt in them.    

The book also talks about the emotional side of the debate and again shows how to disarm and convert them on all the points.

The book shows how important being kind is and how much listening is key to helping people see the truth. It truly is one of the best books I have ever read. It is absolutely worth buying and reading. Its approach to the argument is really very compassionate, but still holds on to all the logic and morality of the prolife argument.  

I would also recommend on sharing and gifting this book, not just to pro-lifers but for people who have doubts or are on the wrong side of the debate. It will also help to shore up pro-lifers own knowledge and help to improve their skills when it comes to discussing the issue of abortion. 

