Knightfall Season 2

Knightfall Season 2

So, season two starts off slightly better, still historically bad but some issues like the acting are resolved and some characters have been improved. Mainly Landry’s, however, writing and pacing are still massive issues. Mark Hamill is introduced as a veteran Templar who instructs new Templars, his character is a very good and likeable and is very well acted. Other new characters are introduced with various degrees of success. The plot of this season is a bit better than the first, however again pacing and u-turns by a few characters push you out of the moment more than once. Again a few interesting historical nuggets but mainly just a reasonable action drama series. The ending is rushed and not really satisfying even if the series tries to wrap up nicely you can’t help but feel that this series should be remade with more of a historical tone or maybe even just more basic action series with less drama in it. Season two is definitely better than one however overall, it’s not really worth watching. If you have time to kill reading/listening/watching a real history about the Templars would be not just educational but would have more action and more interesting characters to it than this series.