Generation Z the Marxist generation

Generation Z the Marxist generation

Generation Z is often said to be more conservative or right leaning or even religiously zealous. This is a gross simplification of what is really happening. Of course labels are always changing their meaning and it is important to speak only in generalisations. What does it even mean to be left or right wing anymore, these terms are next to useless in identifying different groups and trends, and party allegiances are becoming more and more meaningless as a way of judging people’s ideologies. Most people are only voting to keep what they perceive to be a greater threat out of power, whilst keeping the most benefits for themselves. What is generation Z, the birth range (birth year) is usually put between 1995 to 2010 but it can move by couple of years either way. Generation Z as a whole are more educated on paper, well-behaved and or obedient to the state institutions. More stressed and risk averse and more depressed and unwilling to engage in real change than other generations. On the whole generation Z are not overly more conservative or right leaning on issues and certainly they do not vote that way at all. When a minority share do support a right leaning issue like being against mass immigration (49% UK), note it is nearly always a minority not a majority, it is only to do with housing, education and jobs not social cohesion, cultural protection or long term economics. For example, building student style studio flats for cheap and this ‘support’ against mass immigration will collapse. In the UK especially and in the rest of the world generation Z, tend to be more socially leftist than even millennials on certain issues. Just because the ‘leftists’ are now on full auto and some of generation Z are seeing through it or getting tired of certain parts of it, that does not mean that they are in line with ‘right-wing’ or Catholic/Christian views.  

In fact in the west’s generation Z is actually quite leftist, they are, Marxist.

Sometimes it is socialism or communism, or the current brand of identity leftism and others it is fascism and national socialism or a hybrid. But many are infected with Marxism, not to mention other sins. The ‘hope’ that generation Z will save the right is sadly a fantasy, nor will it save Catholicism. Generation Z are somehow an unlikely combination of being more realistic and yet more unrealistic in their viewpoints. They believe in grand sweeping changes but are unwilling to make the changes themselves often wanting governments, institutions or companies to do it for them. But then only to complain and punish those who try to bring around the change they asked for. Generation Z will follow anything that allows them to continue their lives uninterrupted, yes a few are more Catholic, Christian, ‘right-wing’ etc but many are truly only that because they are not where they want to be in life, we are the counterculture now as well. Many young men may drop religion if post-modernists were to tone down their attack on manhood and weaken the causes of modern hypergamy, then many may drift away. As would many women for the latter cause, not to mention the century plus long attack on women. Generation Z is mainly a fleeting group that are a product of what the older generation made them. One main reason that there is some hope for some of generation Z is the fact that their parents tend to spend a lot more time with them and thus are able to guide them through the ‘trenches’.

Generation Z are not an easy solution out of our current problems, we need to stop thinking of quick and fanciful ways out of our difficulties. The road ahead will be horrible, there will be suffering, loss, defeats and pain, nothing will change that, only slow, agonising, hard work will get us out of this terrible situation we have gotten ourselves into and of course faith.