
Listening to Ven Archbishop Fulton Sheen series Life worth living is a brilliant investment which I highly recommend, he was discussing the topic of the papacy he defended it eloquently as always, but I shall not go into that here as I’m more interested in the one the angles he took on which is obvious but also quite brilliant, Ven Archbishop Sheen always manages to illuminate things in such a way as if you had always understood his point even if you didn’t know it, such was his gift which he keeps on giving.

He is one of the greatest teachers the church has seen in modern times. So, during the discourse he discussed Math Ch 1 vs 1 through 25 the genealogy of Jesus of course we also have the genealogy in Luke Ch 3, he pointed out that this was the Lords proof of his ancestry not that he needed proof but still here it is, now what’s interesting is how this leads into two great themes of this age one constant attacks by non-Catholics on validity of the Papacy and two attacks used amongst Catholics in our own struggles internally. Here I speak of course of the battle between those Catholics who wish to keep the faith as it has been for 2000 years and those that wish to change it along the lines of a church that started in the 1960s.

So, to argument number one the genealogy contains many names from Abraham to Jesus in Mathew and in Luke Jesus to Adam but in between we have many names of which some are very good men, holy men, some are a mix, and some are not good or have at least done bad things imperfect as he says, so let’s say even if none have done any bad, they certainly have had siblings that done bad things at the very least. Well as is pointed about by Ven Archbishop Sheen we have this lineage within the Church too he gives himself as an example we know that he was consecrated by Cardinal Piazza who consecrated by Pope Pius X from there you can all the way to Peter and then to him Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ who built his church upon the Rock of Peter.

So, what many Anti Catholics would claim about the church that because we have bad Popes, bad bishops etc would in effect invalidate the lineage of Christ, is has linage is also an attack upon the
method in Gospels used by Mathew and Luke in evidence for our savior Jesus Lordship! also further on this we have historical proof of the pope’s existence many pre 3rd century Popes where well known historical figures! we in the Catholic church are blessed with an inbroken line of succession to the 12 to Peter the first Pope and to Christ himself. As the future Saint said you could have
started a church 10 years after that moment where the keys where handed to Peter and it might as well be 10 million years to late!

Now onto the second question to the people within our church who protect those in the hierarchy even when it has been proven that they are unworthy and that they are not to be trusted, please look through the list of Cardinals and Popes that have littered our history be honest would
you say that we shouldn’t criticize the countless bishops who become Arian heretics denying our Lords true divinity, or would you defend Pope Alexander VI who had mistresses and was constantly
embroiled in corruption who turned the Lateran palace into a Harame. I hope not but to be frank some would, there are no doubt parishioners in Cardinal McCarrick’s diocese defended him up until the last! If we can admit the great King Solomon erred at the last years of his life, that the mighty David was wrong in committing adultery that Samson was weak willed with the philistine
woman then we level some tempered criticism against a man, because the Pope is still a man, some of the liberal members of the church are falling into Pope worship that our Protestant critics accuse us of. The papacy is infallible but only when one, the Pope is talking from the position of the Holy See, two he is talking directly to the whole the church not a specific group or even continent three
he’s talking on matters of faith or dogma. So, you can point out when a bishop, cardinal or even the Pope is doing something wrong, when they are not living up to their office even when you feel that he is endangering souls if it is done respectfully and with his office in mind.

To the final point several bad Popes and many bad bishops does not invalidate the line of succession of inheritance, we would I hope never to dare to say for example Solomon was not rightful king
because of king David’s miss deed, how much more would we not and pray no one would dare to say that of Our Lord Jesus Christ was unworthy. So why then would anyone as outside enemies of the church often say a few bad popes a few bad bishops invalid the line from Christ and St peter through to now and why can’t people admit that there is bad Popes, after all Judas Iscariot performed many miracles, many good deeds were chosen yet he is proof that the church because it is made of men who are all fallen will fail sometimes. I love the Office of St Peter as I love the Church which is the body of our Lord Jesus Christ here on earth, I will always defend it against its enemies, that might mean being critical at times, but to correct an erring brother whether above you or below done with true Christian charity is an act of love not dis-obedience as St Paul points out many times.

I genuinely do not make this argument about any current events that I will cover separately it is more pointed at the inconsistency within arguments directed as the traditional Catholic who receives attacks from every side while they simply want to worship God and be faithful servants to