Counter disinformationist

Counter disinformationist 

How to fight disinformation has been a Catholic problem for centuries. But in the last few decades it has been a disaster for us, we have lost nearly if not all major disinformation campaigns waged against us. True in the last ten or so years there is finally hope that some campaigns are beginning to weaken. That Catholics are finally taking it more seriously and are fighting back.

The fighting must not slow down or stop we must always be vigilant.  Disinformation is extremely difficult to stop and correct. They can always pop back up easily, meaning we must always be on a search and destroy campaigns ourselves.

A brief explanation of what the word means first. “Disinformation is false or misleading information that is spread deliberately to deceive. This is a subset of misinformation. "Reversal or removal of information".

The Russians were the first to coin the term and are masters of it, Marxists are excellent at it.

So some brief examples of disinformation campaigns, the assault on Pope Pius the VII (12), abortion is not murder, and the Catholic Church has stunted scientific progress, just to mention a few, there are many more, probably hundreds at least, from minor to major campaigns. Some stand alone, but many tend to connect to each other, so as to strengthen each other.  

How can one be a counter disinformationist, well first you must spot campaigns, then you must learn the truth about them, then learn how to counter them. Spotting some can be easy as they rely on people’s lack of knowledge and of wanting an easy and convenient answer which supports their beliefs. Others are very difficult to spot, sometimes because they are well made, others because they are very devious or are very slight changes to the truth or even that they are wrapped around an uncomfortable/sympathetic subject.

Some could be part of your own beliefs, disinformation is very cleverly made, it works on all sides of a position. Just because it is Catholic or Christian, right-wing or conservative it does not mean it is safe from disinformation, the same goes for the mainstream or moderate positions or ”facts”.

Once you have found a campaign, you must learn about the campaign, why, who, how and what are its objectives. Is it tied to other campaigns, who supports the campaign currently, what are its main sources that prop it up, is there any counter disinformationist material available? Try to use non Catholic sources if possible and also try to have multiple versions of the counter available, a short, medium and long version, or maybe, a simple, average and complex version. That way you can match which counter will work best in any situation. Start simple, do not lead them down the rabbit hole, just correct the disinformation. Also do not expect a full conversion or even a small one, planting the truth is enough to start with.

If there are only videos on the subject then write a book, article, leaflet, if there is only a book on it then make a video or an article, leaflet, or even a simpler book or a more complex version of it.

Do not be afraid, put yourself out there, maybe in person or online or by producing counter disinformation yourself, or support someone who does. Let them know of a campaign and offer help.

Whatever you do, do not stay silent, the key is to spread the truth and became a counter disinformationist.