Citadel Interview Fr Thomas Crean OP

The series of interviews will be a string of light-hearted questions for men of the faith to hopefully shine a light on them as people. This interview is with Fr Thomas Crean OP a well-respected theologist from the UK. And Author of Letters to a non-believer, Integralism and The Mass and the Saints.   

When did you decide to become a priest?

Strictly I could not decide to become a priest, but only decide to ask to be accepted as a candidate. I decided to do this in June 1993, though I was not able to begin my novitiate until September 1995. I was at the end of my second year at university at the time.

Why did you become a priest?

To offer Mass, to hear confessions, to preach (though one can do the last of those as a deacon). 
More generally, to play some small part in the Church’s mission of saving souls for eternity. 

What is one of your favourite things about being a priest?

The fact of living in close quarters to the Tabernacle.

What is one thing that most people do not know about being a priest that would surprise them?

I don’t know.  It depends on the people.  Perhaps non-Catholics might be surprised that we are generally not unhappy about celibacy.  Sometimes Catholics are surprised to learn that priests are not obliged to offer Mass every day (though of course it is encouraged).

What is your favourite drink?

Wine (in moderation)

What is your favourite meal? 
Any traditional English or Italian dish especially if well cooked.

What is something that you are passionate about outside of church and faith?

I have interests, for example in literature and philosophy, but I wouldn’t call them passions. The Church and the faith are big enough to occupy anyone’s attention. When I was a boy, I was passionate about Liverpool Football Club.

Which Saint has inspired you? 

Lots: St Thomas Aquinas, St Therese of Lisieux, St Thomas More, St Edmund Campion, St Dominic, St Athanasius, St Joan of Arc.

What book would you recommend people to read?

Introduction to a devout life by St Francis de Sales.

What is one of your favourite books?

Literary Distractions by Ronald Knox

What made you choose the Dominican order?

I wanted to join a religious order so that I might concentrate on what matters most.  I was attracted to the Dominican Order because of the ideal of contemplation overflowing into action, and because they had been around a long time, and because I liked St Thomas Aquinas and the Dominican Salve Regina and the idea of singing the psalms and the Dominican habit.

Do you find writing books challenging?

Yes, I find thinking very hard work.  But I enjoy the challenge.

What subject do you enjoying teaching the most? 

Any, where the students are interested, and where I feel at home in the subject. St Thomas Aquinas normally comes into it somewhere.