Catholics TV film, review

Catholics TV film, review

Catholics also known as, Conflict and A Fable of the Future, and as, The Visitor is a 1973 television film, which is two hours long, some versions of the DVD have been badly copied, still watchable though. Directed by Jack Gold, written by Brian Moore who also wrote the novel of the same name. It stars Cyril Cusack, Trevor Howard and Martin Sheen, as well as a large ensemble cast. It was well received at the time of its debut and still is well reviewed.

The film was shot on Sherkin Island with many interiors shot in Cahir Castle. Which was an excellent choice and helps to add to the atmosphere of the film. The film is excellently written with good dialogue and believable characters, which really give the film a scent of reality. The directing of the film gives it great balance in dialogue, information and silence for moments of great emotion and consequence.

The plot is sadly far too realistic, and it hits home that its predictions are slowly happening or have happened in some shape or form already. It also shows the great virtue of obedience.

The film is really a great look at monastic life and the complexity of living as a monk. It shows how hard it must be for the clergy to obey its superiors and for superiors to give orders. It has a really good balance of drama, thought and calm introspection.

I think this film is a really good watch that will keep you interested until the end and make you wish they had made a sequel, it will also teach you about obedience, and show you how the laity must be the ones to act in preserving the church’s Tradition. It also shows how important belief is and how even the ‘good priests’ can lack it. Altogether a very good film and one worth watching.