Advent and Christmas bringing yourself closer to Christ

Advent and Christmas bringing yourself closer to Christ

The period of Advent often known as the mini Lent.

While the secular world uses the run up to Christmas Day as a time of excess and at times grotesque over indulgence, we in the Catholic faith should be using this time to prepare ourselves for our Lords Joyous arrival.

In the early church this was a strict time of fasting, culminating in the era of St Gregory, in which all meat, fish, milk, cheese, oil and wine where abstained from throughout the whole Period of Advent allowing themselves just fish on Saturday and Sunday. As the years of went on and we arrived at Middle Ages things had changed and now fasting was observed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Nowadays of course no specific requirements are set before the faithful.

However, with the state the church is in and the world spiralling into sin, now is the time to take up the words of our Lord and pray and fast!

Perhaps not going as far as our early church fathers, as it is best to walk before you run, the benefits of fasting especially for men are numerous and help to sharpen the mind and the spirit.

After all, just one month of fasting 3 days a week is no major hardship especially considering Christmastide is so long and not far away.

Just in case your new to fasting, a Catholic Fast at its minimum involves eating 1 main meal which should be simple and not larger than usual, as well as 2 small meals half the size of your main meal or less, of course, you can go further if you are young and healthy. I myself like to go slightly further on Fridays making the 2 small meals as little as a single boiled egg or piece of fruit, but the main thing is that your eating less, not snacking and maybe feeling those hunger pangs.

Of Course along with this, an increase in prayer is essential, the St Andrews prayer should be said 15 times a day and you can find a link to a website that will take you through it, but it is a beautiful prayer and if you say it 5 times before each meal you won’t forget.

Hail and Blessed be the hour and the moment at which the Son of God was born of a most pure Virgin in a stable at midnight in Bethlehem in the piercing cold. At the hour vouchsafe, I beseech thee, to hear my prayers and grant my desires, (then mention your intentions, once if fine) through Jesus Christ and His most Blessed Mother.


Along with this reading the Gospel of St Luke is a must, as it has the most detailed accounts of our Lords Birth of the four Gospels.

There also many great Christmas devotions such as Advent candles and calendars, but the main thing is to get closer to God and be ready for his only begotten son our Lord Jesus Christ.

We also have many great Feast days coming up which can celebrated in the right way during the period of penance, such as the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St Christopher who is even more fascinating than the Modern Father Christmas.

God keep you