20 Answers- Faith & Science (20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers) book review

20 Answers- Faith & Science (20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers) book review

Faith & Science is a book which is part of a diverse series of books published by Catholic Answers. This one was written by Trent Horn. The paperback was published in 2015 with 64 pages and is priced around £5. The digital version was published in 2016 with 51 pages and is priced around £2.75. The book has received good reviews.

This little book is a great read, it is well written, and the structure is very good with its twenty question layout. The layout helps the reader to really defend the church about this topic. The general public including most Catholics are very uneducated about this subject. The book lays out the truth that the Catholic church has not just funded and helped the sciences but that it has contributed so much to it and has been the core provider of science.

It also shows how science and faith are very easily compatible. It also dispels the fake notion that the church has hindered the sciences or tried to stop it from progressing. Nothing is further from the truth.

The book is a really a good source of information, that every Catholic should read, and I really recommend it.