Pope Francis causes greatest confusion yet!

Pope Francis causes greatest confusion yet!

In a month when orthodox Catholic’s were still digesting the controversial Encyclical Fratelli Tutti which denounced St Augustine’s centuries old Just war theory, the biggest bombshell Pope Francis has yet released landed.

His reckless behaviour has long caused pain to devoted Catholics, spread division, and caused confusion, also sadly most likely led souls to Hell.

Rather than us simple lay members of Christs Church delving into this, here are some links from respected clergy and laity to give you a correct understanding of how all of this should be interrupted through the magisterium of the church.



With the staunch defenders such as Cardinal Burke, Gerhard Muller, Bishop Schneider, Strickland all weighting in to defend church doctrine as usual we even have clergy such Bishop Tobin coming to the defence of sound doctrine.

Matt Fradd’s video is very telling, no one could accuse him of being a radical traditionalist, I will also point he is not alone with people like Dr Scott Hahn loudly voicing their concern.

We only ask that you pray for the Popes soul and the church.